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1、中北大學信息商務學院畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書車床尾座套筒零件機械加工工藝規(guī)程及夾具設(shè)計學生姓名: 學號:12020142X37系 別: 機械工程系 專 業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 指導教師: 職稱: 教授 年 月 日車床尾座套筒零件機械加工工藝規(guī)程及夾具設(shè)計Summary SummaryTailstock parts process planning and key

2、way milling 8mm fixture design is the plan I studied the main research contents. Commensurate with each other using the tailstock sleeve parts and is part of the main processing surface of which is cylindrical and sur

3、face Mohs fourth hole. According to the standard process can be understood, to ensure precision cylindrical surface is certainly better than the hole to ensure the machining accuracy easier. Therefore, in accordance w

4、ith the design standards before surface after hole. And the outer surface of the hole and working very clear divided into roughing and finishing stages, so you can ensure accuracy. The ins and outs of the process usin

5、g a common tool. Which of Mohs fourth bore and outside surface roughness is relatively high, after grinding to achieve the roughness. Keyway milling 8mm, mainly outside circular face of the sleeve bore centerline do

6、positioning reference, I used the V-block as a positioning jig, analyze the sources of error of positioning fixture for control assurance and enhancement machining accuracy is very important. The main body of the text

7、 is that through the process and the mechanical properties of the machine tailstock sleeve is analyzed on the processing technology of scientific and reasonable arrangement, combined with the actual operation, the suc


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