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1、狀語從句 狀語從句(Adverbial (Adverbial Clauses) Clauses)一. 狀語從句的語法意義和分類1. 意義: 在句中起狀語作用,修飾主句的謂語動詞,形容詞,副詞或整個句子. 狀語從句通常由從屬連詞引導(dǎo),與主句相連. 放在句首時,常在后面加上逗號; 若放在后面,其前一般不加逗號.2. 九種狀從: 時間,地點和原因;目的,結(jié)果加條件;方式,讓步與比較。二. 狀語從句的用法:1.時間狀語從句 一.when/whi

2、le/as1)while 引導(dǎo)的從句謂語是延續(xù)性動詞,側(cè)重對比。2)當從句的動作發(fā)生于主句動作之前,只能用 when 引導(dǎo)這個從句,不可用 as 或 while。 When you have finished your work, you may have a rest. 3)從句表示“隨著……“連詞只能用 as,不用 when 或 while。As the day went on, the weather got wo

3、rse. 4) when=since, considering that 既然,考慮到,引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句。*It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes.二.關(guān)于”一…就…”的連詞整理 *Hardly/Scarcely/Barely had they seen the movie star when/befor

4、e the fans cried.*I had hardly / scarcely/barely got home when/before it began to rain. 剛回家,就下起雨來了。* I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.注意:如果 hardly, scarcely 或 no sooner 置于句首,主句必須用部分倒裝,并注意主從句時態(tài)。 三. till, u

5、ntil 和 not… until 1)until 可用于句首,而 till 通常不用于句首。例如:Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. 2)until when 疑問句中,until 要放在句首。例如:---Until when are you staying? 你呆到什么時候?--- Until next Monday. 呆到下周一。 3

6、)注意:否定句可用另外兩種句式表示。a) Not until…在句首,主句用部分倒裝。Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. b) It is not until… that… It was not until I began to work that I realized how much time I had wasted.

7、四. before 和 since It is/was … that…(強調(diào)句)It is/was +時間+when 從句 當…的時候It is/has been +時間+since 從句 自從…有多久It will be long before… 要過很久才… It will not be long before… 不久就…五. 關(guān)于“每當…; 每次…; 下次…”補:He sat ther

8、e quietly all the time she sang.區(qū)別 the first time 和 for the first timethe first time 是名詞短語,用來引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句*The first time I climbed onto the wall, I felt nervous.He stared at me as if seeing me for first time. 他目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地看著我,就像第一次

9、看見我似的。He cleared his throat as if to say something. 他清了清嗓子,像要說什么似的。The waves dashed on the rocks as if in anger. 波濤沖擊著巖石,好像很憤怒。7. 讓步狀語從句 1)while 也可做”盡管,雖然”講, 一般置于句首, 等于 although(不用倒裝)*While he was still a young man,

10、he was elected chairman of the committee.2)as 在狀語從句中可以引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,原因狀語從句,比較狀語從句,方式狀語從句及讓步狀語從句,但是在引導(dǎo)前四種狀語從句的時候都不用倒裝,只有引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句的時候才需要倒裝。3)“疑問詞+ever”既可以引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,又可以引導(dǎo)名詞性從句“no matter +疑問詞”只引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,不能引導(dǎo)名詞性從句。8. 比較狀語從句 狀語從句的緊縮

11、現(xiàn)象 狀語從句的緊縮現(xiàn)象1.時間狀語從句和條件狀語從句中常見的緊縮現(xiàn)象*Don’t speak until spoken to.*While in Beijing, I paid a visit to the Bird’s Nest.*He often makes mistakes when speaking English.*The girl never gave in unless wrong.*Come tomorrow if p

12、ossible.*Unless repaired, the machine is of no use.狀語從句緊縮現(xiàn)象一般應(yīng)滿足下兩個條件:(1.)從句的主語和主句的主語一致或者是 it (2.) 從句中有be 2. 方式狀語從句中常見的緊縮現(xiàn)象*Some flowers shut up at night as if to sleep.*She stood at the gate as if waiting for someone.*

13、The woman teacher left the classroom silently as though angry.*The inspector looked around, as if in search of something.3.其它狀語從句中的緊縮現(xiàn)象*Though cold, he still wore a shirt.*Being blind, he couldn’t see anything.*Fill in t


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