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1、高考英語(yǔ)高頻詞匯翻譯練習(xí)(1)1.take root in 根植于Now began to take root in Washington. 現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始在華盛頓生根發(fā)芽。 Well, look. These will take root in about a month. 那好,記著,這些幼苗會(huì)在一個(gè)月左右扎根。 2.Time in Force 生效時(shí)間 To comply with all legal requirements from

2、 time to time in force relating to the storage and sale of the Products. 遵守任何時(shí)候都具有法律效力的涉及產(chǎn)品儲(chǔ)存和銷(xiāo)售的全部法律規(guī)定。 The term “l(fā)aws and regulations“ of a Contracting Party means the laws and regulations at any time in force in the a

3、rea of that Contracting Party. 締約一方的“法律和規(guī)定”一詞指在任何時(shí)間在該締約方地區(qū)內(nèi)有效的法律和規(guī)定。 3.the end of…的最后I joined the end of the queue. 我站在了這隊(duì)伍的最后。 She was nearing the end of her life. 她已經(jīng)臨近生命的盡頭。 4.The End Of The World 世界末日 ; 世界的盡頭 ; 世界盡頭

4、; 天下末日 Failing one exam is not the end of the world. 一次考試不及格并非世界末日。 Obviously I'd be disappointed if we don't make it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. 顯然,如果我們不能成功我會(huì)失望的,但天不會(huì)塌下來(lái)。 5.the rest of 其余的;剩下的T

5、he rest of the men had the day off. 其余的人放假一天。 Jack divided up the rest of the cash. 杰克把余下的現(xiàn)金分了。 6.The rest of the story 故事的尾聲 ; 其余的故事 ; 故事的其余部分 ; 故事的結(jié)局I told him the rest of the story. 我把其余的故事也講了出來(lái)。 we all know the rest

6、of the story. 接下來(lái)的故事大家都知道了。 7.beyond (all) question 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)的,確實(shí)的The adverse effect of excess alcohol is beyond question. 過(guò)量飲酒的不良作用是毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)的。 Her honesty is beyond question. 她的誠(chéng)實(shí)是毋庸置疑的。 8.on business 為了公事,出差I(lǐng) have to go to Rome

7、 on business. 我得去羅馬出差。 I presume you're here on business. 我想你是來(lái)這兒出差的吧。 9.on purpose 故意地;有意;有目的;為了 ...I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose and it can't be helped. 我肯定你不是故意這樣做的,這也是沒(méi)辦法的事。 To be seen crying s

8、adly, the little boy raised his head and had the tears falling down on purpose. 為了讓別人看見(jiàn)他哭得很傷心,小男孩抬起了頭故意讓眼淚掉下來(lái)。 10.in purpose 有目的地,故意地Actually, I miss it in purpose. 其實(shí),我很懷念它。 The armor provided them a great deal of prote

9、ction making it both functional as well as ceremonial in purpose. 他們的盔甲為他們?cè)趹?zhàn)斗中提供了極佳的防護(hù)以及同樣地適用于禮儀用途。 22.the point at issue 討論的問(wèn)題 ; 爭(zhēng)論點(diǎn) Let's come back to the point at issue. 咱們還是回到問(wèn)題的焦點(diǎn)吧。 The new article does not touc

10、h the point at issue. 那篇新文章沒(méi)有觸及所討論的問(wèn)題。 23.put forward 提出He has put forward new peace proposals. 他已提出了新的和平建議。 They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting. 他們提出了許多有根據(jù)的理由來(lái)反對(duì)出口。 24.bring forward 提出;拿出;放出;推舉出He had

11、to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time. 他不得不把 11 點(diǎn)的會(huì)議提前,以便他能按時(shí)參加葬禮。 The theory I bring forward is that he cannot do without the profane. 我提出的理論則是,人不能沒(méi)有凡俗。 25.on duty 上班He&#

12、39;s on duty twenty-four seven. 他不分晝夜地天天上班。 Who's on duty today? 今天誰(shuí)值班? 26.go on duty 上班 ; 下班I arrive at the hospital at eight o 'clock, but I don't go on duty until nine. 我八點(diǎn)鐘就到醫(yī)院了,但是九點(diǎn)鐘我才去值班。 Some people th

13、ink that they've fulfilled their tasks as long as they go on duty and come off duty on time. 有些人認(rèn)為只要自己準(zhǔn)時(shí)上下班就算完成任務(wù)了,從不思索什么是工作和為什么要工作。 27.mount guard 上崗;執(zhí)勤;看管I'll mount guard over the luggage while you get the tick

14、et. 你去買(mǎi)票,我來(lái)看管行李。 28.at work 值班,上班The subject came up at work. 這一話題在工作時(shí)被提及。 We meet at work, but never socially. 我們上班常見(jiàn)面,但在社交場(chǎng)合從未碰見(jiàn)過(guò)。 29.on watch 值班;監(jiān)視I go on watch in an hour. 我一個(gè)小時(shí)后值班。 Many involved little-known airline

15、s — some already on watch lists for safety concerns. 許多事故都與名不見(jiàn)經(jīng)傳的航空公司有關(guān),其中一些因其安全顧慮已經(jīng)被列入觀察名單。 30.in attendance 出席;值班;負(fù)責(zé)Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. 身著防暴服的警察到場(chǎng)實(shí)施預(yù)防行動(dòng)。 He always has at

16、least two bodyguards in attendance. 他至少總有兩名保鏢護(hù)衛(wèi)。 31.on the job 在工作;上班It's his first week on the job. 這是他上班的第一周。 Give the lad a break—it's only his second day on the job. 給這小伙子一次機(jī)會(huì)—他上工才第二天。 32.lie down on the job


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