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1、2021-2022高考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷考生請(qǐng)注意:1 .答題前請(qǐng)將考場(chǎng)、試室號(hào)、座位號(hào)、考生號(hào)、姓名寫(xiě)在試卷密封線(xiàn)內(nèi),不得在試卷上作任何標(biāo)記。2 .第一局部選擇題每題選出答案后,需將答案寫(xiě)在試卷指定的括號(hào)內(nèi),第二局部非選擇題答案寫(xiě)在試卷題目指定的 位置上。3.考生必須保證答題卡的整潔??荚嚱Y(jié)束后,請(qǐng)將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第一局部(共20小題,每題L 5分,總分值30分)But for the metal cage to pull the

2、 miners to safety, the miners in Chile in less than twenty-four hours.A. would not be rescuedB. would not have been rescuedC. would be rescued D. would have been rescued1. Wuhu with Shanghai, to be frank, and you'll

3、And it's more convenient to live in the former.A. To compareB. ComparingC. Compare D. Compared2. The news shocked the public9 to great concern about students* safety at school.A. having ledB. ledC. leading D. to lead

4、3. Don't worry. A number of efforts are being made the whole system operating normally.A. being keptB. keptC. keeping D. to keep4. Three days after the aircraft went missing, an international effort ships and planes

5、hasn't found anywreckage,growing frustration for the families of the 239 people on board.A. involved; causingB. to involve; causedC? involving; causingD. involving; having caused5. It shocked the world the United St

6、ates withdrew from some major agreements it had been committed to,including the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation and the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal.A. whichB. whatC. whether D. that6. —Have you heard news th

7、at over 10,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake in Japan?—Not yet. What big surprise!A. the; a B. the; /C. /; / D. /; a—Good morning. May I help you?一No, thank you. I'm just looking around.B. How are you fee

8、ling today?2、只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分。Pm writing to congratulate you of your winning first prize in the English short novel competition recently >I must say that I am not surprised when I heard from the good news、 I kno

9、w that you have practised written English novels in the past yearsPm delighted to see efforts have finally been paid off> By the way, I am also fond of writing shorter passages in English、 What upsets you most is that

10、 I sometimes can't find suitable word or expressions to make myself understood > Would you be kind enough to give me a few advice on improving this situation?A. Ifs up to you.2、A3、C4、B24、 Questions about: Admissio

11、ns.St>edaltY Masters proErams1. Do I need to submit an essay?Yes, the written essay should articulate your qualifications and motivation for pursuing advanced education.2. Who should provide my letter of recommendatio

12、n?A supervisor within your organization or a professor from your undergraduate institution familiar with your work.3. What is the minimum language proficiency score required for admission?Applicants can choose one of thr

13、ee language proficiency examinations to submit to the Admissions Office: theTOEFL, the IELTS, or the PTE Academic. The typical “passing” score is 95(Internet-based), 7, and 66 respectively.4. Do I have to take the GMAT o

14、r GRE?The Graduate Record ExaminationDoR(GREDoR) and the Graduate Management AdmissionsTestDoR(GMATDoR) are both accepted exams that are recommended but not required.5. My transcripts are from a school in a foreign count

15、ry. What should I do?If you are an international applicant, we require an evaluation of coursework completed at institutions outside of the U? S. You must have your transcripts evaluated by World Education Services(WES).

16、6. What is the deadline for application?Application RoundsCompleted applications Will have decisionsubmitted by given byOctober 15, 2016 December 15, 2016November 15, 2016 January 15, 2017January 10, 2017 March 10, 2017F

17、ebruary 15, 2017 April 15, 2017Rolling RollingWe welcome applications on a rolling basis; however, we encourage you to submit your application on or before theJanuary 10 deadline to receive priority admission and scholar


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