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1、分 類 編 號 :密 級 :單 位 代 碼 : 10065學(xué) 號 :0 920300 9硏 究 生 學(xué) 位 論 文論 文 題 目: 民辦 中學(xué) 品牌 建 設(shè) 的個 案 研 究學(xué) 生 姓 名 . -專 業(yè) 名 稱 :研 究 方 向 :指 導(dǎo)教 師 姓 名 :宋 潔 申請 學(xué) 位 級 別 :碩 士教 育 學(xué) 原 理教 育 管 理張 連 生 專 業(yè) 技 術(shù) 職 稱 : 副 教 授The Ca se Stud ie s of P r

2、 ivate Seconda ry Schoo lB r a n d C o n s t r u c t io nA b str a c tSi nce t he Pr i vat e Educat i on Prom ot i on Law w aspr om ul gat ed,t he pr i vat eeducat i on i n C hi na hasm ade consi derabl e pr ogress,but

3、i ti s st i l lconf r ont ed w i t h t hedi l em m a of soci alst at usi snothi gh,devel opm entl eveli suneven,t he schoolbrandr ecogni t i on i s l ow .I ti s t he i nt ent i on t hathow t o underst and t he devel op

4、m entofpri vat e school sand outof t r oubl e.M eanw hi l e,w i t h t he devel opm entof m ar keteconom y and t he progressof t he soci et y,pursui ng brand i n t he m arketcom pet i t i onbecom e t he key t o success,ed

5、ucat i on m ar keti s no except i on.Pri vat e school sas apr oductof t he m ar keteconom y shoul d have a st rong sense of brand.B aodi ng artschooli s a case i n t he r esearch.Through fi el d i nvest i gat i

6、on andl i t er at ure research i nst i t ut e m ast ersom e i nfor m at i on and dat a,com bi ned w i t h t hebr and and schoolbrand const r uct i on t heory,i ti nt r oduced B aodi ng A r tSchooli nbr and bui l di ng st

7、 rat egy,el aborat ed t he brand const r uct i on pr ocesspr obl em sandsol ut i ons f rom t he schoolbrand const ruct i on process and t he m ai n t w o aspect s carri eson t he anal ysi s.Fi nal l y t he above rese

8、arch are sum m ari zed and eval uat ed,and t heresearch pr ospect .Iti s concl uded t hati n recentyear s,pr i vat e educat i on has a great erdegr ee of devel opm ent ,butst i l lt here are ki ndsof w eak spot s.I ti

9、st he key t o bui l dbr and i m age,creat e brand schooland have t he charact er i st i csofhi gh qual i t y brand . I ti s t he w ay outof schoolof run by t he bot t l eneck.Pri vat e m i ddl e schooli s notthebran

10、d const r uct i on ent erpr i se br and t he t heor y ofsi m pl e t ranspl ant at i on.B utt heschoolfort he effect i ve resour cest o enhance t he i nt egrati on of t hei r ow n st rengt hi m pr oves t he overal ll evel

11、of r unni ng schooland t hei reffi ci ency;enhance t he qual i t yof t al entdevel opm entand soci ali nfl uence,t hen setup t he schoolcharact eri st i c brand.[ K ey w ords]:pri vat e secondary school;brand


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