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1、中文 中文 7350 字, 字,4400 英文單詞, 英文單詞,25500 英文字符 英文字符文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:Lam T Y M. Economic perspective on outsourcing of property management services[J]. Property Management, 2012, volume 30(4):318-332(15).Economic perspective on out

2、sourcing of property management servicesTerence Y.M. LamAbstractPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the economic forces influencing the outsourcing process of property management services, and investigate

3、how these forces should be applied in order to maximize the productive efficiency and performance quality, thus ensuring optimal use of resources.Design/methodology/approach – Market competition and transaction monitorin

4、g were identified to be the fundamental factors. Single-case study method was used to quantitatively examine the impact of these economic forces on the outsourcing of property management services of the Hong Kong Housing

5、 Authority.Findings – The property services market was contestable, and through competitive tendering the level of competition had a significant negative impact on production cost and a significant positive relationship

6、with service quality. Fee level was also found to have no significant effect on service quality. Professional maintenance services were found to be complex and associated with significant transaction costs, especially wh

7、ere there was a high degree of contact with tenants.Research limitations/implications – The outsourcing strategy forms a conceptual baseline on which further research can build to test its significance in many other sett

8、ings, thus resulting in a more robust economic theory for outsourcing of property management services.Practical implications – Competitive tendering should be adopted for outsourcing to minimize production cost and maxim

9、ize service quality. The overall transaction costs should be minimized by focusing the limited resources on monitoring of the complex professional maintenance services, especially the services for major planned maintenan

10、ce works where there are many occupiers involved.Originality/value – The confirmatory tests indicate that the strategic objectives of cost and quality improvement from outsourcing, as expected by the stakeholders, can be

11、 achieved. Hence the research contributes to the property management practice by developing an economic strategy which optimizes the use of resources for the benefit of corporate organizations which own a property portfo

12、lio, whilst at the same time satisfying the power and needs of the tenants and other stakeholders.Keywords: Hong Kong, Property management, Resource management, Outsourcing, Stakeholder analysis, Economic forces, Optimal

13、 use of resources, Stakeholder needs IntroductionIn new public management, it is argued that outsourcing and market competition are often adopted to deliver public services, based on the argument that such approach can i

14、mprove productive efficiency and service quality (Walsh, 1995). In the private sector, Costs and performance quality of the outsourced services should therefore be considered. What are the economic forces driving the cos

15、t and quality performance in the outsourcing process?This research aims to identify the economic forces influencing the performance of property management services in the outsourcing process for corporate organizations w

16、hich own a property portfolio for business operations or letting, and to investigate how these forces should be applied in order to maximize productive efficiency and performance quality, and hence optimal use of resourc

17、es.Ferris and Graddy (1991) reveals that, based on an empirical analysis of three frequently contracted health services, minimization of service delivery costs and choice set of available quality suppliers are important

18、to local government’s decision to contractor choice. The service delivery costs comprise of production and transaction costs. With regard to performance quality, Harte and Dale (1995) conducted a qualitative review on t

19、he quality dimensions used by clients when selecting professional service providers from accounting, architectural, engineering, management consulting and general service firms. The review shows that the service quality

20、 required by most clients is multi-dimensional and it covers five key areas: timeliness (prompt service), empathy (understanding the client’s needs), assurance (technical correctness for the work), tangibles (evidence fo

21、r the work performed correctly), reliability (doing what you say you will do). It is the aim of this study to examine how these production and transaction costs as well as performance quality are influenced by the econom

22、ic forces.Ownership and performanceIn the case of outsourcing of services in the public sector, the theory of property rights explains the relationship between ownership and organizational performance by referring to the

23、 difference in profit motive between public and private organizations. In private organizations, the rights to profit are clearly defined so their management has the financial incentive to achieve higher productivity and

24、 better service quality. For public sector, the profit motive is absent and government departments tend to pursue goals such as budget maximization, risk aversion and employment. Although property rights argument may be

25、initially attractive and favour the choice of private sector over public sector in delivering public services, it does not go unchallenged. Parker (1985) argues that politicians and bureaucrats do indeed pursue public in

26、terest, and that like their private sector counterparts, government employees may find satisfaction in a job well done. Given that senior management in the public and private sectors are drawn from the same social and cu

27、ltural backgrounds, it would be surprising if they do not hold similar values.As it cannot be definitely determined on a priori basis whether private ownership leads to higher efficiency and better service quality, it is

28、 necessary to turn to the empirical evidence to test the property rights argument. Domberger and Piggott’s (1986) review of the literature on the Australian airlines’ experience suggest that the private enterprise is som

29、ewhat more efficient than the public enterprise, while Estrin and Perotin (1987), in making cross-country comparison between Britain and France, concludes that the French public sector was more cost-efficient than the Br

30、itish public sector, and that there was no distinguishable difference between the performance of the French public and private firms. Donahue (1989) concludes from his study of privatization in the USA that most of the b


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