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1、Ecotourism is a form of tourism that involves visiting natural areas in the remotewilderness or rural environments.According to the definition and principles of ecotourismestablished by The International Ecotourism Socie

2、ty (TIES) in 1990, ecotourism is"Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." One of the main reasons why the ecotourism was created, is the loadof the

3、mass tourism on the natural, cultural and historical resources.This load is directlyproportional to the increase in the rate of growth of the visits.Ecotourism is stated to be oneof the fastest growing forms of tourism.H

4、owever, ecotourism lacks one global definition.Therefore due to its subjective nature, each country, region or even a company can defineecotourism in their own terms.
  This study sought to assess the current status o

5、f ecotourism and the recreational value ofthe National Nature Park "Synevyr" in Transcarpathian region of Ukraine.Synevyr, althoughendowed with a wealth of natural resources.Given the exploratory nature of the research,

6、thestudy was done by using one of the methods of non-market valuation-an Individual TravelCost Method (ITCM), which is commonly used for estimating recreational value of the parks,beaches, lakes etc.For this purpose, 500

7、 on-site questionnaires were conducted between Juneand August of 2014.401 of questionnaires were determined as useful.The results showed thattravel cost of individuals to the park, age, education, monthly income and sati

8、sfaction levelare having an impact on number of visits.The semi-logarithmic function was used to estimatethe consumer surplus of the park users, which showed the willingness to pay per visit and ofcourse made possible to

9、 evaluate the park in monetary way, which wasn't done by anyUkrainian scientist before.
  The total NWTP of the individual is $18 per person per trip.The recreational value ofthe consumer surplus represents the annual


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