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1、<p>  Development of Surveying and Mapping in China during 1997-2000</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  From 1997 to 2000, great development has been made on surveying and mappin

2、g in China. Quite a few important projects have been completed, such as China GPS positioning network, 1:250,000 scale database, etc. In the coming years, the main tasks in China are: the establishment of 1:50,000 scale

3、database, and the construction of Network for National Fundamental Geographic Information Systems. </p><p>  I. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE </p><p>  The State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of Chin

4、a (SBSM) is an administrative agency of the Chinese Government for surveying and mapping, which was established in 1956. SBSM has two main functions: the organization and management of the national basic surveying and ma

5、pping work; and the overall administration of the surveying and mapping profession. In the restructuring of the Chinese Government in 1998, SBSM remains as one of the state bureaus, but moved from the Ministry of Constru

6、ction to th</p><p>  The main tasks for SBSM are as follows: </p><p>  1. Drawing up administrative laws and regulations in surveying and mapping, making plans for the development of the surveyi

7、ng and mapping cause, management policies and technical standards for the surveying and mapping profession, and supervising their implementation according to law. Organizing and managing basic surveying and mapping, inte

8、rnational and administrative boundary surveying and mapping, cadastral surveying and mapping and other national-level or significant surveying and mapping pr</p><p>  2. Working out managing procedures for t

9、he verification of qualifications of surveying and mapping organizations, and according to law, examining and approving Grade A qualifications of surveying and mapping organizations, managing the registration of surveyin

10、g and mapping activities, examining and approving the supply of surveying and mapping results overseas, surveying and mapping activities in China conducted by foreign organizations or individuals, investigating and prose

11、cuting national-leve</p><p>  3. Managing national fundamental geographic information and data, organizing and guiding the social service of the fundamental geographic information; managing national surveyin

12、g and mapping datum and surveying control systems; drafting standard sample maps defining the international boundaries of the People’s Republic of China in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; examining and

13、issuing important geographic information and data upon authorization; guiding and supervising the manag</p><p>  4. Formulating plans and technical standards for cadastral surveying and mapping, administerin

14、g the verification of cadastral surveying and qualifications, and certifying cadastral surveying and mapping results. </p><p>  5. According to law, administering the compilation of maps, examining maps to b

15、e published or presented to the public, administering the presentation of geographic names on maps. </p><p>  6. Supervising and managing the national surveying and mapping budget and other earmarked funds.

16、</p><p>  7. Organizing international cooperation and exchanges. </p><p>  8. Undertaking other missions assigned by the State Council and the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources. </p>

17、<p>  In each of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, there is a branch, either a provincial bureau or a regional office. In most of the cities and prefectures, surveying and mapping administrative

18、 offices have been established. </p><p>  The surveying and mapping units in China are distributed in over 30 ministries and state bureaus with total 260,000 surveyors. They may be divided into three parts:

19、the SBSM system; the military surveying and mapping system; and the professional surveying and mapping system. According to the statistics in 1998, there are over 5700 surveying and mapping units in China, which are lega

20、lly qualified for mapping work, including 400 Grade-A units, 1000 Grade-B units, 2100 Grade-C units, and 2200 Grade</p><p>  II. LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS </p><p>  The Surveying and Mapping L

21、aw of the People's Republic of China was promulgated by the National People's Congress in December 1992. For meeting the requirement of the socialist market economy and the development of surveying and mapping te

22、chnology, SBSM started in 1999 to make preparations for the amendments of the Surveying and Mapping Law. The emphasis of the amendments will be on the establishment of mechanism for basic surveying and mapping tasks, and

23、 the qualification of surveying and mappi</p><p>  In the past years, the State Council of China has promulgated a few regulations concerned with surveying and mapping such as the Regulations on Management o

24、f Surveying and Mapping Results, the Regulations on Map Compilation and Publication, the Regulations on the Protection of Surveying Markers. The Regulations on Management of Surveying and Mapping Market is now under appr

25、aisal in the State Council. </p><p>  The State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping has worked out and published over 20 decisions and methods, such as the Provisional Methods on Surveying and Mapping Market Man

26、agement, the Decisions on Surveying and Mapping Qualification. </p><p>  In provinces and autonomous regions, over 30 regulations on Surveying and Mapping Management and more than 40 rules have been issued.

27、</p><p>  SBSM paid great attention to the issuing of the important geographic data, worked out the Decisions on Provisions and Applications of National Fundamental Geographic Information, and licensed syste

28、m for application of national fundamental geographic data. In order to promote the applications of geographic data and establish data-sharing mechanism, SBSM offered free of charge a group of geographic data to 14 centra

29、l government departments and over 10 provincial governments. </p><p>  The National Committee on Geographic Information has been established in Chinese Government, with the chairman from the State Commission

30、 of Development Planning, and SBSM representative as one of the vice chairmen. SBSM has set up the National Technical Committee on Standardization of Geographic Information with many ministries and state bureaus involved

31、. </p><p>  Since 1997, the basic surveying and mapping became one of the important independent part in the National Economy and Social Development Annul Plan. Same in the provinces and autonomous regions, t

32、he mapping became an independent part of the annual development plan. SBSM and the Ministry of Finance have jointly worked out and published the Financial Rule for Mapping Units and the Financial Quotas for Mapping Produ

33、ction. </p><p>  III. GEODETIC NETWORK </p><p>  The 1985 height system of China was established in the middle of 1980s. Since 1991, SBSM, jointly with other agencies in China, have made the rem

34、easurement of the first-order leveling, with 241 leveling lines and 77 closing lops, and field results of 93,000 km. The data processing was completed in 1999. The vertical datum in China is in Qingdao City, Shandong Pro

35、vince. </p><p>  Through 7 years efforts, a national GPS network of China was established in 1998, including A-order network and B-order network. The A-order network consists of 33 stations, and the B-order

36、network consists of 818 points. </p><p>  The first national gravity network of China was established in 1957. The 1985 National Gravity Network (NGN1985) has been in use for over a decade of years. Since 19

37、99, SBSM together with other agencies, started to establish the 2000 National Gravity Network (NGN 2000), which consists of 18 original stations and 119 basic points. The field work will be completed by the end of 2000 a

38、nd data processing will be done in 2001. </p><p>  IV. FRAMEWORK CONSTRUCTION </p><p>  After the establishment of 1:1m national database in 1990's, SBSM completed the construction of 1:250,

39、000 national database in 1998. The database consists of three sub-databases: the topographic sub-database, DEM database, and geographic name sub-database. The data for the databases are from 816 sheets of 1:250,000 maps.

40、 The topographic database includes 14 layers, such as hydrography, transportation, boundaries, settlement, topography, vegetation, etc. The DEM database includes two kinds: 100×1</p><p>  For the establ

41、ishment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, SBSM launched in 1999 the construction of 1:50,000 national databases, including the Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) database, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) database,

42、 the Digital Orthophoto Map (DOM) database, the Digital Line Graphic (DLG) database, the Geographic Names database, and the Land-cover database. The construction of the 1:50,000 national databases would be the main tasks

43、 for SBSM in the coming years. </p><p>  1:10,000 database is one important part of the national fundamental geographic information. The establishment of 1:10,000 database is the main tasks for provincial an

44、d regional bureaus. SBSM has worked out Guidelines for 1:10,000 Fundamental Geographic Information Revision and Database Designing. SBSM also has published guidelines for standardization of urban geographic information s

45、ystem. The National Geodetic Database, as an important part of national fundamental geographic information systems</p><p>  During the reported period, SBSM restructured the production units and established

46、a group of production bases for digital products. A national digital surveying and mapping production systems has been formed under the support of "3S" technology (GPS, RS and GIS) and with "4D" produ

47、cts (DEM, DRG, DOM and DLG). </p><p>  In 1999, as approved by the Chinese government, SBSM started a special large project called "National Fundamental Surveying and Mapping Infrastructure Project"

48、;. The objective of the project is to establish the industrial infrastructure for geographic information acquiring, processing, storage, management, distribution and applications. The project is composed of four parts: t

49、he remote sensing data processing system, the fundamental geographic information management and service system, the fundam</p><p>  V. MAP PUBLICATION </p><p>  During the reported period, the c

50、ategories and quantities of maps have greatly increased and these maps have been used in more and more fields. Now in China, there are 9 specific cartographic publishing houses, and over 100 publishing houses which publi

51、sh map-related products and are distributed all over China. The China Cartographic Publishing House is the largest map publishing house in China. </p><p>  With the development of computer technology, map-ma

52、king methods have completely changed. Computer-aided cartography, laser photographic technology and office networking have been used in map compilation and publication. Some electronic atlases have been in the market, su

53、ch as the General Atlas of China, Beijing Electronic Maps, etc. </p><p>  Since 1997, various kinds of physical, social and economic maps and atlases have been published, including some large cartographic pr

54、oducts and plastic stereo maps, e.g. a Collection of Ancient Maps in China (Chinese and English edition), and Atlas of Population and Sustainable Development of China (Chinese and English edition). A large number of scho

55、ol maps and atlases were made jointly by map publishing houses and educational departments. Various specific maps and atlases have been published, </p><p>  The compilation of national atlas (second edition)

56、 was started in 1987, with the coordinating office located in SBSM as the leading agency. The national atlases consist of five volumes. By now, four volumes have been published: Atlas of Agriculture, Atlas of National Ec

57、onomy, Atlas of General Maps, and Atlas of National Nature. The Atlas of Chinese History will be published very soon. </p><p>  VI. CADASTRE SURVEY </p><p>  The management of cadastral surveyin

58、g and mapping is one of the SBSM administrative responsibilities. In 1985, SBSM started the re-establishment of cadastre in China, mainly in urban areas at the scale of 1:500, 1:1,000 and 1:2,000. SBSM has issued Regulat

59、ions on Cadastral Surveying and Mapping, the Cadastre Map Format, and the Manual on Cadastral Surveying and Mapping. The development of cadastral survey differs in China from region to region. In Guangdong Province, mult

60、i-purpose cadastre and l</p><p>  At present, SBSM is working on national standards on cadastral surveying and mapping. SBSM is making efforts to set up administrative systems of cadastral survey for qualifi

61、cation of survey units, cadastral results checking and quality supervision. </p><p>  VII. HYDROGRAPHY </p><p>  In China, the hydrographic charting mainly consists of the nautical charting and

62、special purpose charting. The equipment used in hydrographic charting includes depth-sounder, side-scan sonar, marine gravimeter, magnetometer, depth-sounding automatic system, and one-thousand-ton comprehensive survey s

63、hips. The hydrographic charting is widely used in ocean transportation, fishery, ocean petroleum oil and gas exploration, and development of ocean resources. </p><p>  In the past three years, GPS and D-GPS

64、technology was used in hydrographic charting, and over 100 charts at various scales were made and over 1000 charts were compiled for coastlines, new-ports and islands. The construction of hydrographic charting database h

65、as started for data collection and processing. Some new-generation electronic charting has been provided to users. A few national standards have been published, e.g. the Regulations on Hydrographic Charting, the Formats

66、for Hydrographic Char</p><p>  VIII. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT </p><p>  In China, a surveying and mapping research system and a scientific and technical service network have been gradually set u

67、p jointly by research institutions, universities and production units. The main objectives of the research and development are to provide technical support to national development of surveying and mapping, to set up exam

68、ple projects for national or regional development, to study and solve some key technological issues, and to speed up the transfer of scientific results into p</p><p>  In the research and applications of pos

69、itioning technology, a large national project called "China Crustal Movement Monitoring Network" was carried out. The objective of the project is to establish a regional observation network for real time and dy

70、namically monitoring the crustal movement and change in China. The observation network is composed of 25 continuously observing stations, 56 regularly observing stations and 1000 irregularly observing points. In China, t

71、here are now 8 ground GPS track</p><p>  In the development of geographic information systems emphasis was put on data policy, data standards, framework database establishment, hardware and software developm

72、ent, data sharing, and data applications. With the completion of 1:1m and 1:250,000 database construction, the fundamental geographic information has been used in national economy and social development, such as natural

73、resource investigation, natural hazard monitoring, environment monitoring and protection, regional development, la</p><p>  In GIS applications, quite a few example projects were implemented, e.g. a county d

74、ecision making GIS support system for sustainable development of agriculture in Huanghe and Huaihe areas, an ecological environment monitoring system in Shaanxi, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia areas, a national database of na

75、tural hazards, etc. </p><p>  In scientific results transfer and industrialization, some home-made hardware and software are widely used in the production. The VirtuoZo Fully Digital Photogrammetric System a

76、nd the JX-4A Digital Photogrammetric System, which were completely developed in China, have been equipped in most of the surveying units in China. Some Chinese designed GIS software such as Geostar and MapGIS have been u

77、sed in 1:1m, 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 database management and digital mapping production. The high accura</p><p>  IX. EDUCATION AND TRAINING </p><p>  In China, there are 50 surveying and mapping

78、 faculties distributed in over 20 universities, with 20,000 students. </p><p>  Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM) is the largest education base in China for the surveying and mappin

79、g. WTUSM, established in 1956, is one of the key institutions of higher learning. In the university, there are 7 colleges and 1 adult education college, with 20 bachelor graduate courses, 17 master-graduate courses, 8 do

80、ctor-graduate courses and 1 post doctor research station, and with 7200 students at present. The university has 4 academicians, over 300 professors and a</p><p>  In China, on-the-job training and correspond

81、ence training attracts more and more people. Annually, SBSM organized over 20 various training courses for supervisors, engineers and technicians. SBSM implemented a "personnel project" and each year awarded do

82、zens of persons who made great contributions. </p><p>  X. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION </p><p>  In the past years, the surveying and mapping department of China has further developed the bilatera

83、l cooperation relations with the counterparts of Asia and Pacific, European and American countries, and reached beneficial results to both sides. </p><p>  China has actively participated in international an

84、d regional organizations and their activities such as PCGIAP, GSDI, ISO/TC211 and ISCGM, and played important roles in these organizations. In September 1998, the 7th Plenary Meeting and Work Group Meetings of ISO/TC211w

85、ere successfully held in Beijing. In April 1999, the 5th PCGIAP Meeting and International Seminar on SDI was held in Beijing with participants from many countries of Asia and the Pacific Region. </p><p>  Ch

86、ina sent large delegations to attend the conferences, symposia, and meetings of IUGG, ICA, FIG and ISPRS. The 20th International Cartographic Conference (ICC2001) will be held in Beijing, China, August 6-10,2001. Chinese

87、 Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography (CSGPC) with support from SBSM, is now actively applying for hosting the 20th ISPRS Congress in Beijing, China in 2004. </p><p>  China continues the open-

88、door and reform policy. The surveying and mapping department of China pays great attention to international cooperation and exchanges, and is willing to develop cooperation relations and carry out various exchange projec

89、ts with the countries of the whole world, in particular, of Asia and the Pacific Region, so as to further promote the development of surveying and mapping in China and to make more contributions to the development of sur

90、veying and mapping in Asia and the </p><p><b>  中文翻譯:</b></p><p>  測(cè)繪的發(fā)展 在中國(guó)1997-2000年期間</p><p><b>  摘 要</b></p><p>  從1997年到2000年,已經(jīng)取得了很大

91、的發(fā)展,在中國(guó)測(cè)量及測(cè)繪。 不少重要的項(xiàng)目已經(jīng)完成,如中國(guó)的GPS定位網(wǎng)絡(luò)規(guī)模數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù),1:25萬(wàn),在未來(lái)幾年,在中國(guó)的主要任務(wù)是:1:50,000大型數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)的建立,網(wǎng)絡(luò)建設(shè)國(guó)家基礎(chǔ)地理信息系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b>  一、組織結(jié)構(gòu)</b></p><p>  國(guó)家測(cè)繪和中國(guó)(國(guó)家測(cè)繪局)測(cè)繪局測(cè)繪,成立于1956年的中國(guó)政府行政機(jī)構(gòu)。 國(guó)家測(cè)

92、繪局主要有兩個(gè)功能:國(guó)家基礎(chǔ)測(cè)繪工作的組織和管理;和測(cè)繪行業(yè)的整體管理。 中國(guó)政府在1998年的重組中,國(guó)家測(cè)繪局仍然為一體的國(guó)家局,但移動(dòng)建設(shè)部,國(guó)土資源部。</p><p>  國(guó)家測(cè)繪局的主要任務(wù)如下:</p><p>  1、在測(cè)繪,為測(cè)繪事業(yè),為測(cè)繪行業(yè)管理政策和技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的發(fā)展計(jì)劃制定行政法規(guī),依法監(jiān)督其實(shí)施。組織和管理基礎(chǔ)測(cè)繪,國(guó)際和行政區(qū)域界線(xiàn)測(cè)繪和測(cè)繪,地籍測(cè)量和

93、測(cè)繪和其他國(guó)家級(jí)或重大測(cè)繪項(xiàng)目,測(cè)繪科學(xué)技術(shù)項(xiàng)目。</p><p>  2、測(cè)繪資格的核查和管理程序 測(cè)繪組織,依法審查和批準(zhǔn)甲級(jí)測(cè)繪機(jī)構(gòu),測(cè)繪活動(dòng)的登記管理,審查和批準(zhǔn)的海外測(cè)繪成果的供應(yīng),測(cè)量和測(cè)繪外商在中國(guó)進(jìn)行的活動(dòng)資歷組織或個(gè)人,調(diào)查和起訴測(cè)繪和負(fù)責(zé)有關(guān)法律程序復(fù)議國(guó)家一級(jí)或嚴(yán)重的違法案件。編寫(xiě)易數(shù)百例,白波,國(guó)家測(cè)繪局,北京100830三里河路。</p><p>  3

94、、國(guó)家基本地理信息和數(shù)據(jù)管理,組織和指導(dǎo)的基礎(chǔ)地理信息的社會(huì)服務(wù);管理國(guó)家測(cè)繪和測(cè)繪基準(zhǔn)和測(cè)量控制系統(tǒng);起草標(biāo)準(zhǔn)樣品地圖確定合作,中國(guó)人民共和國(guó)的國(guó)際邊界與該部外交部;審查和發(fā)放經(jīng)授權(quán)的重要地理信息數(shù)據(jù);指導(dǎo)和監(jiān)督各類(lèi)測(cè)繪成果的管理</p><p>  全國(guó)測(cè)量標(biāo)志的保護(hù)。</p><p>  4、制訂計(jì)劃,地籍測(cè)繪,管理,地籍測(cè)量和資格的核查,核證的地籍測(cè)繪成果和技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。</p&

95、gt;<p>  5、根據(jù)法律規(guī)定,管理地圖編制,審查地圖出版或向公眾展出,在地圖上的地名管理的介紹。</p><p>  6、監(jiān)督和管理,國(guó)家測(cè)繪預(yù)算和其他專(zhuān)項(xiàng)資金。</p><p>  7、組織國(guó)際合作與交流。</p><p>  8、進(jìn)行,由國(guó)務(wù)院和國(guó)土資源部部交辦的其他任務(wù)。</p><p>  在每個(gè)省,自治區(qū),章&#

96、160;離子,直轄市,有一個(gè)分支,無(wú)論是省局或地區(qū)辦事處。 在大多數(shù)城市和縣,測(cè)繪行政辦公室已成立。</p><p>  在中國(guó)的測(cè)繪單位,這些單位分布在30多個(gè)部委和國(guó)家局共26萬(wàn)測(cè)量師。 他們可分為三個(gè)部分:國(guó)家測(cè)繪局系統(tǒng)的軍事測(cè)繪系統(tǒng)和專(zhuān)業(yè)測(cè)繪系統(tǒng)。 據(jù)1998年統(tǒng)計(jì),有超過(guò)5700的測(cè)繪單位,在中國(guó),這是測(cè)繪工作的合法資格,包括400級(jí)單位,1000乙級(jí)單位,2100 - C

97、級(jí)單位,D級(jí)和2200單位。</p><p><b>  二、法律法規(guī)</b></p><p>  由全國(guó)人民代表大會(huì)于1992年12月頒布的“中國(guó)人民共和國(guó)測(cè)繪法。 為滿(mǎn)足社會(huì)主義市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)和測(cè)繪技術(shù)的發(fā)展要求,國(guó)家測(cè)繪局于1999年開(kāi)始,使測(cè)繪法修訂的準(zhǔn)備工作。 該修訂的重點(diǎn)將放在建立機(jī)制的基礎(chǔ)測(cè)繪任務(wù),測(cè)繪單位在市場(chǎng)上,補(bǔ)充法律責(zé)任的資格。&#

98、160;修訂工作已取得全國(guó)人民代表大會(huì)專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì)的支持。</p><p>  在過(guò)去幾年里,中國(guó)國(guó)務(wù)院頒布了測(cè)量及測(cè)繪測(cè)繪成果管理?xiàng)l例“等有關(guān)的一些規(guī)定,地圖編制出版,測(cè)量標(biāo)志保護(hù)條例”的規(guī)定。 測(cè)繪市場(chǎng)管理?xiàng)l例“是根據(jù)國(guó)務(wù)院的評(píng)價(jià)。</p><p>  國(guó)家測(cè)繪局已經(jīng)制訂并公布了20項(xiàng)決定和方法,如對(duì)測(cè)繪市場(chǎng)管理暫行辦法,測(cè)繪資格的決定。</p><p>


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