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1、<p>  Reverse Engineering in the application of product design</p><p>  The application that is in expatiate contrary engineering in the product design with develop the term, effectively of solution sha

2、pe design with follow-up engineering design, manufacturing link mutually the problem that become disjointed, put forward on sowing in adopt in the product design process the Pro/Designer have no with Pro/Engineer to sew

3、to connect method, design for the industry product shape with the in the late engineering makes of linking up and developing a new path, the process o</p><p>  1 reverse engineering of the content and scope

4、 of application</p><p>  With the development of computer technology, CAD technology has become a product design staff an important tool for research and development, of which three-dimensional modeling tech

5、nology has been widely used in manufacturing products and mould design, program evaluation, automated processing and management of all aspects of maintenance. In the actual development of the manufacturing process, desig

6、n staff to receive technical information may be all kinds of data types of three-dimensional model</p><p>  Reverse engineering technology and traditional design is very positive difference. And reverse engi

7、neering is starting from a prototype and then obtain three-dimensional digital model of the product, make it possible to further use of CAD / ACE / CAM and CIMS and other advanced technology to process.</p><p&

8、gt;  In general, reverse engineering products, including the shape reverse, the summation of the anti-reverse, and several other materials, in the industrial field in the practical application, including the following:

9、 (1) the design of new parts, mainly for the product imitation or modified design. (2) Have been parts of the copy, reproduce the original intent of the design of the products. (3) damaged or worn parts of the red

10、uction. (4) digital model of detection, for example, the defor</p><p>  2 CAD technology in product design issues.</p><p>  The development of computer technology, brought about the third wa

11、ve of technological revolution, computer-aided design (computer aided design, referred to CAD) technology is the computer industry in the area of application of the most active one. It sets numerical simulation, geometri

12、c model of processing, graphics, database management systems, and other aspects of technology integration, the abstract, flat, separation of the specific object of design, visualization, it can through the "virtual&

13、lt;/p><p>  Reverse engineering software implementation of the conditions</p><p>  At present, relatively commonly used generic reverse engineering software Surfacer, Delcam. Cimatron to Strim. The

14、 specific application of reverse engineering system is mainly the following: Evans for the development of machine parts to identify the reverse engineering system; Dvorak development of the imitation parts of the old rev

15、erse engineering system: HHDanzdeCNC CMM system. These systems to reverse the practical problems in the design process, greatly facilitate the design staff. Besides, </p><p>  3 product design - CAD reverse

16、 engineering technology</p><p>  (1) Pre / E of the design parameters of the project</p><p>  Parametric Design (Parametric) (also known as drive size Dimension-Driven) is in the practical appli

17、cation of CAD technology in the subject, it will not only CAD system is an interactive graphics capabilities, but also with automatic mapping capabilities. Currently, it is the application of CAD technology in the field

18、of a major, Judai further study the issue. Use of the design parameters of the development of the means for product design system will enable designers from the large number of hea</p><p>  (2) Pre / D surfa

19、ce design capabilities for industrial designers and those who want to build surface model for the engineering staff, Pre / I] is precisely the tools they need, Pre / D can build high-quality free surface model, and Can e

20、asily switch to the other based on the manufacturing engineering CAD system. Pre / D to create a true and accurate geometry, the use of the more easily it can create a model to shorten the design cycle. Pre able to use v

21、isual aesthetic requirements and die manufa</p><p>  (3) Pre / D and Pre / E of the rumored pumped Pre / Designer and Pre / Engineer data exchange between There are two ways: one is with the Pre / Engineer

22、direct exchange of data and another is a way to document and the Pre / Engineer data exchange. (4) three-dimensional modeling complex product design for the CAD application form decorative strong, especially products

23、containing complex surface, you can use the Pre / D and Pre / E combination, modeling designer in the Pre / D inside do ID, so</p><p>  Over the years, the development of the traditional industrial products

24、are to follow strict form of research and development process: from the idea of demand for products, features and specifications of the expected target identification, then to the various components for the design, manuf

25、acture, assembly, testing performance. Each component is retaining the original design, the design usually to CA]] in the form of documents to save. This development model known as "scheduled mode" (Pre-script&

26、lt;/p><p>  Reverse Engineering (Reverse Engineering) in the absence of design drawings or design drawings incomplete and not the CAD model and in accordance with the existing parts of the model (or sludge prot

27、otype model), the use of digital technology and CAD technology re-structure the CAD model And cloning to create physical products or processes. Project is positive from the CAD model to the physical model into the proces

28、s, and reverse engineering is from the physical model to the CAD model of the tran</p><p>  4 modeling technology, including reverse engineering from the measurement data to the CAD model of a set of techni

29、cal steps can be summed up in the following several aspects of key technologies: (1) measurement data processing - As the number of measurement equipment by the wider use of massive data point (in millions of orders o

30、f magnitude) access to a very easy matter. 1000000 data regardless of the person or read data, and other aspects of reconstruction model for us is very inconvenient,</p><p>  4.1 Data pretreatment technology

31、 Now with three-dimensional scanning equipment development, the measurement data are also increasing the number of points, with millions of data points measured in the paper is already very common. So many data poin

32、ts, the benefits are obvious, able to model all the characteristics of the small acquisition, but processing system, it is a lot of obstacles. This will not only greatly increase the system's capacity, but also reduc

33、es efficiency, which will affect</p><p>  grid model construction </p><p>  Grid model in the reverse engineering of a wide range of applications. Measured data points we generally referred to a

34、s point cloud. Point cloud data does not include any topology information, in order to reconstruction surface model and rapid prototyping (Rapid Prototype Manufacture, RPM), and other processing needs we need to point cl

35、oud data constructed on the basis of triangular grid model. 1.30 Mesh topology contains a wealth of information that can be used, such as special Reconstruction o</p><p>  4.3 Surface Reconstruction</p>

36、;<p>  Free surface model in reverse engineering products play an important role modeling, because of free-form shape of a flexible, in aviation, aerospace, automotive, mould and other industries a large number of

37、 applications, at the same time, these industries are also reverse engineering applications in important areas, based on free Surface Reconstruction has been a model of reverse engineering CAD important area of research.

38、 Surface Reconstruction (also known as surface modeling) through modeling </p><p>  4.4 Based on the characteristics of the model reconstruction</p><p>  Since reverse engineering is the subject

39、 of dealing with three-dimensional space data, how the reconstruction process in the surface model and accurately reproduce the characteristics of products, reverse engineering is the product model can comprehensively CA

40、D system in general an important symbol. Now the reverse engineering, especially in the Reconstruction of general machinery parts, one after another to automatically extract model characteristics. Not only automatically

41、extracted from the c</p><p>  Reverse engineering is a pioneering, practical, comprehensive and highly technical, reverse engineering technology has been widely applied to the development of new products and

42、 old parts of the reduction and product testing, it not only to digest and absorb the physical prototype, and can Laws designed to re-create new products. This CAD technology product design, means not only means that the

43、 design changes, and changes in the industrial design way of thinking. Promote the manufacturing indust</p><p>  逆向工程在產(chǎn)品設計中的應用</p><p>  本文在闡述了逆向工程在產(chǎn)品設計中的應用范圍和發(fā)展條件,有效的解決造型設計與后續(xù)的工程設計、制造環(huán)節(jié)相脫節(jié)的問題,提出

44、了一種在產(chǎn)品設計過程中采用Pro/Designer與Pro/Engineer無縫連接的方法,為工業(yè)產(chǎn)品造型設計與后期的工程制造的連貫開辟了一個新的途徑,其設計流程的過程為產(chǎn)品設計系統(tǒng)化提供行之有效的措施,從而縮短了產(chǎn)品設計開發(fā)周期,實現(xiàn)了產(chǎn)品造型設計的系統(tǒng)化。</p><p>  1 逆向工程的內容及其應用范圍</p><p>  隨著計算機技術的發(fā)展,CAD技術已成為產(chǎn)品設計人員進行研究

45、開發(fā)的重要工具,其中的三維造型技術已被制造業(yè)廣泛應用于產(chǎn)品及模具設計、方案評審、自動化加工制造及管理維護各個方面。在實際開發(fā)制造過程中,設計人員接收的技術資料可能是各種數(shù)據(jù)類型的三維模型,但很多時候,卻是從上游廠家得到產(chǎn)品的實物模型。設計人員需要通過一定的途徑,將這些實物信息轉化為CAD模型,這就應用到了逆向工程(Reverse Engineering).所謂逆向工程技術,是指用一定的測量手段對實物或模型進行測量,根據(jù)測量數(shù)據(jù)通過三維幾

46、何建模方法重構實物的CAD模型的過程。</p><p>  逆向工程技術與傳統(tǒng)的正向設計存在很大差別。而逆向工程則是從產(chǎn)品原型出發(fā),進而獲取產(chǎn)品的三維數(shù)字模型,使得能夠進一步利用CAD/ACE/CAM以及CIMS等先進技術對其進行處理。</p><p>  一般來說,產(chǎn)品逆向工程包括形狀反求、工藝反求和材料反求等幾個方面,在工業(yè)領域的實際應用中,主要包括以下幾個內容:</p>

47、<p>  (1)新零件的設計,主要用于產(chǎn)品的改型或仿型設計。</p><p>  (2)已有零件的復制,再現(xiàn)原產(chǎn)品的設計意圖。</p><p>  (3)損壞或磨損零件的還原。</p><p>  (4)數(shù)字化模型的檢測,例如檢驗產(chǎn)品的變形分析、焊接質量等,以及進行模型的比較。</p><p>  逆向工程技術為快速設計和制造提


49、用高等問題。</p><p>  2 CAD技術應用于產(chǎn)品設計</p><p>  計算機技術的發(fā)展,帶來第三次技術革命浪潮,計算機輔助設計(computer aided design,簡稱CAD)技術則是計算機在工業(yè)領域應用中最為活躍的一支。它集數(shù)值計算、仿真模擬、幾何模型處理、圖形學、數(shù)據(jù)庫管理系統(tǒng)等方面的技術為一體,把抽象的、平面的、分離的設計對象具體化、形象化,它能夠通過“虛擬現(xiàn)實

50、”技術把產(chǎn)品的形狀、材質、色彩,甚至加工過程淋漓盡致地表現(xiàn)出來,并能把產(chǎn)品的設計過程,通過數(shù)據(jù)管理,實現(xiàn)系統(tǒng)化、規(guī)范化,這正是工業(yè)設計與CAD技術必然結合的基礎所在。</p><p>  逆向工程技術實施的軟件條件</p><p>  目前,比較常用的通用逆向工程軟件有Surfacer, Delcam. Cimatron以Strim。具體應用的反向工程系統(tǒng)主要有以下幾個:Evans開發(fā)的針

51、對機械零件識別的逆向工程系統(tǒng);Dvorak開發(fā)的仿制舊零件的逆向工程系統(tǒng):H.H.DanzdeCNC CMM系統(tǒng)。這些系統(tǒng)對逆向設計中的實際問題進行處理,極大地方便了設計人員。此外,</p><p>  一些大型CAD軟件也逐漸為逆向工程提供了設計模塊。例如Pro/E 的ICEM Surf和Pro/SCANTOOLS模塊,可以接受有序點(測量線),也可以接受點云數(shù)據(jù)。其它的象UG軟件,隨著版本的提高,逆向工程模塊

52、也逐漸豐富起來。這些軟件的發(fā)展為逆向工程的實施提供了軟件條件。而這些軟件相對與盡管目前一些高端的設計軟件,已經(jīng)具備了產(chǎn)品復雜造型的設計與渲染功能,但要藝術類的設計師掌握并運用這類軟件,至今還不是一件容易的事。所以從事結構設計的設計師們大都是機械工程師出身,設計的思維與方式完全不同于造型設計師,他們思維是一種完全符合機械設計標準的設計思維方式。</p><p>  那么,兩種設計將如何在產(chǎn)品的設計中得到結合,且得到

53、較好的結合,并且更好地完成從設計到加工程序的轉換?成為我們進行產(chǎn)品設計所要考慮的問題。</p><p>  3 產(chǎn)品設計--逆向工程CAD技術</p><p>  (1) Pre/E參數(shù)化設計在工程中的應用</p><p>  參數(shù)化設計(Parametric)(也叫尺寸驅動Dimension-Driven)是CAD技術在實際應用中提出的課題,它不僅可使CAD系統(tǒng)具


55、零部件設計上存在的簡便易行的優(yōu)勢。它的主要特點就是:基于特征、全尺寸約束、全數(shù)據(jù)相關、尺寸驅動設計修改。</p><p>  這樣我們可以采用PTC:公司的工業(yè)設計軟件Pre/Designer(簡稱Pre/D)進行曲面設計,由于Pre/D與Pre/E采用的是同一數(shù)據(jù)庫,兩者之間是無縫連接的,因而在設計中造型設計師和結構工程師可以更好的協(xié)作</p><p>  (2) Pre /D的曲面設計

56、能力對于工業(yè)設計人員和那些想構建曲面模型的工程人員來說,Pre/I〕正是他們需要的工具,Pre/D可以構建高質量的自由曲面模型,并且可以很容易的轉換到其它基于制造工程的CAD系統(tǒng)中。Pre/D能夠創(chuàng)建真實而精確的幾何體,利用它可以更加容易的創(chuàng)建模型,縮短設計周期。利用Pre可以把視覺上的美學要求和模具制造過程中的工程要求很好的結合起來,這一點在創(chuàng)建自由曲面模型的過程中現(xiàn)得尤其顯著。</p><p>  (3) P

57、re /D與Pre/E之間的致?lián)鞒镻re /Designer與Pre/Engineer之間交換數(shù)據(jù)有兩種方式:一種是與Pre/Engineer直接交換數(shù)據(jù),另外還有一種就是以文件的方式與Pre/Engineer交換數(shù)據(jù)。</p><p>  (4) 造型復雜產(chǎn)品三維設計的CAD應用對于造型裝飾性強,特別是包含復雜曲面的產(chǎn)品,可以使用Pre/D與Pre/E組合起來進行,造型設計師在Pre/D里面做ID、做曲面建模

58、,直接從Pre/I〕里啟動Pre/E,把數(shù)據(jù)導到Pre/E由結構設計師進行結構設計,在整個設計過程中甚至結構設計全部做完了,由于客戶的要求或設計師對方案的局部要進行更改,這時只須在Pre/D里面改動,改好后存好再原名稱送給Pre/E,那么Pre/E里也得到改變,而結構不用重做(當然修改要使結構有存在的條件,即它的父特征不會有問題)。</p><p>  長久以來,工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的傳統(tǒng)開發(fā)方式均是遵循嚴謹?shù)难邪l(fā)流程:從產(chǎn)

59、品需求的構思、功能與規(guī)格預期指標的確定,進而到各個組件的設計、制造、組裝、性能測試等。每個組件都保留有原始的設計圖,此設計圖目前通常以CA]〕文件的形式來保存。這種開發(fā)模式被稱為“預定模式”(Pre-scriptive Model),此類開發(fā)工程亦通稱為“正向工程”(Forward Engineering).然而 ,隨著工業(yè)技術水平的提升以及生活水準的提高,任何通用性產(chǎn)品在消費者對于高品質的要求下,功能上的需求已不再是贏得市場競爭力的唯

60、一條件。產(chǎn)品不單單是功能要先進,而且更多著重于產(chǎn)品的外觀造型,這已不是傳統(tǒng)的機械工程師們所能勝任了。設計師們先通過手工方式塑造出模型,例如:蠟模、木模、石膏模、粘土模、工程塑料模等等,然后再以三維尺寸測量的方式生成自由曲面的CAD文件,這就是所謂的“逆向工程”(Reverse Engineering,RE)。這時擺在設計者和制造者面前的是實物樣件,需要將實物模型轉化為CAD模型,因為產(chǎn)品信息模型是實現(xiàn)CAD/CAM無縫制造技術的關鍵。&

61、lt;/p><p>  逆向工程 (ReverseE ngineering)是在沒有設計圖紙或者設計圖紙不完整以及沒有CAD模型的情況下,按照現(xiàn)有零件的模型(產(chǎn)品原型或油泥模型),利用各種數(shù)字化技術及CAD技術重新構造CAD模型而克隆或創(chuàng)造實物產(chǎn)品的過程。正向工程是從CAD模型向實物模型轉化的過程,而逆向工程則是從實物模型向CAD模型的轉化過程,兩者的設計流程正好相反,逆向工程和正向工程有不同的應用領域,隨著數(shù)字化測

62、量技術的飛速發(fā)展,逆向工程技術在制造業(yè)中的應用日益廣泛、成熟,關于逆向工程的研究也成為CAD領域的研究熱點之一。</p><p>  4 逆向工程建模技術包括了從數(shù)據(jù)測量到CAD模型構建的一整套技術步驟,概括起來主要有以下幾方面的關鍵技術:</p><p>  (1)測量數(shù)據(jù)處理—由于數(shù)字化測量設備的廣泛應用,海量數(shù)據(jù)點(百萬數(shù)量級)的獲取成為十分容易的事。百萬級的數(shù)據(jù)無論對于數(shù)據(jù)讀人還是

63、模型重構等方面都為我們帶來十分不便,因此需要的重構CAD模型前對測量數(shù)據(jù)進行預處理。</p><p>  (2)網(wǎng)格模型構造—三角網(wǎng)格模型是逆向工程中常用的模型表示方式。三角網(wǎng)格模型很容易表達復雜的物體表面形狀,同時網(wǎng)格模型對于重構曲面模型是一個非常好的基礎模型。</p><p>  (3)基本曲面模型構造—逆向工程造型的最終目的是為通用CAD系統(tǒng)提供一個有價值的基本曲面模型,最終在通用C

64、AD系統(tǒng)中完成產(chǎn)品模型的重構。因此逆向工程中的基本曲面模型重構對于重構高品質的CAD模型十分重要。</p><p>  (4)模型品質分析—逆向工程模型是在測量數(shù)據(jù)基礎上重構的CAD模型。在重構過程中由于對數(shù)據(jù)的各種處理(如壓縮、去噪等)不可避免的回使數(shù)據(jù)產(chǎn)生誤差。最終的CAI〕模型是否在允許的誤差精度內是評價重構模型品質的重要指標之一。</p><p>  以下將分別對這幾方面的內容進行

65、系統(tǒng)闡述。</p><p>  4.1 測量數(shù)據(jù)預處理技術</p><p>  現(xiàn)在隨著三維掃描設備的發(fā)展,得到的測量數(shù)據(jù)點數(shù)量也越來越大,含有幾百萬測量數(shù)據(jù)點的文件已經(jīng)是很常見的。這么多的數(shù)據(jù)點,帶來的好處是顯而易見的,可以把模型上微小的特征全部獲取,但對于處理系統(tǒng),則是很大的一個障礙。這不但大大加大了系統(tǒng)的負荷,而且降低處理效率,以致會影響整個逆向工程建模的過程。所以測量數(shù)據(jù)的預處理成

66、為現(xiàn)在逆向工程建模技術一個重要的方面。測量數(shù)據(jù)預處理,除了要對大量的數(shù)據(jù)進行壓縮以外,還要去除掃描中產(chǎn)生的噪聲數(shù)據(jù)。無論測量設備如何先進,噪聲的影響總是不可避免的。雖然噪聲點不多,但噪聲的影響還是很大的,去除噪聲的工作可以大大提高生成模型的質量。</p><p>  由于某些模型的形狀比較復雜,往往無法一次掃描獲得全部的數(shù)據(jù)。這樣,一個模型的測量數(shù)據(jù)有好多塊,所以在進行模型構建之前,必須將多塊數(shù)據(jù)拼接,融合成一個

67、模型。該過程在逆向工程中成為Register,即數(shù)據(jù)重定位。</p><p>  4.2 三角網(wǎng)格模型構造</p><p>  三角網(wǎng)格模型在逆向工程中有廣泛的應用。測量得到的數(shù)據(jù)點我們一般稱之為點云。點云數(shù)據(jù)不包括任何拓撲信息,為了重構曲面模型以及快速原型制造(Rapid Prototype Manufacture,RPM)等加工的需要我們需要在點云數(shù)據(jù)的基礎上構造出三角網(wǎng)格模型。三角網(wǎng)

68、格模型包含了豐富的拓撲信息,可以用于諸如特</p><p>  征重構、曲面分割等后期處理閣。三角網(wǎng)格也可以很真實的顯示出模型的形狀,可以達到很好的視覺效果。此外,足夠細密的三角網(wǎng)格還可以直接用于零件的加工。根據(jù)處理對象和采用的測量技術和手段不同,逆向工程CAI〕建模內容可以分為兩個方面:一種是研究整個形體的CAD建模問題,另一種以處理復雜型面為主要特點的表面CAD建模。這也決定了三角網(wǎng)格模型的構造方法有兩個主要

69、類別。</p><p>  整個形體的CAI)建模問題,主要在醫(yī)學圖像可視化領域應用。這方面的研究比較多,也比較深人,一般是利用CI,等設備獲取器官的截面輪廓線,然后從這些輪廓線構造三角網(wǎng)格,其主要難點是處理“分叉”和“內孔”情況的模型。這種根據(jù)截面輪廓線構造三角網(wǎng)格模型的算法現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)很成熟,也能達到很高的效率。</p><p>  大量 機 械 零件的建模,一般都是處理復型面的表面CAD

70、建模。這方面的算法很多,但效果都不是很盡如人意,算法都是從一個種子三角形開始,遍歷周圍的點,來構建三角網(wǎng)格?,F(xiàn)在有待提高的是算法的效率和網(wǎng)格的質量。目前大多數(shù)的三角化算法都不是對原數(shù)據(jù)點的插值算法,這就造成了三角網(wǎng)格模型與原數(shù)據(jù)點的誤差,這部分誤差將會累積到后續(xù)的曲面重構。</p><p><b>  4.3曲面的重構</b></p><p>  自由曲面模型在逆向工


72、撲形式的不同,常見的曲面重構方式有兩種。以三角Bezier曲面為基礎的三邊域曲面構造方法,和以B樣條〔101和NURBS曲面為基礎的四邊域曲面構造方法?;?三 角 Bezier曲面的三邊域曲面構造方法?;咎幚硭悸肥菍⒋幚淼脑紨?shù)作為一個整體考慮。首先根據(jù)點云暑假構造三角網(wǎng)格,構建出三角網(wǎng)格以后,運用三角Bezier曲面在網(wǎng)格基礎上構建光滑曲面〔121。三角Bezier曲面插值在三角網(wǎng)格的每個三角形上構造初始二變量的三次三角Bezi

73、er曲面片,再將每個三角曲面片升階到四次,然后將每個曲面片進行C-T (clough-tocher)</p><p>  4.4 基于特征的模型重建技術</p><p>  由于逆向工程處理的對象是空間三維數(shù)據(jù),如何在重構曲面模型過程中,準確再現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品的特征,是逆向工程產(chǎn)品模型能否于通用CAD系統(tǒng)融會貫通的重要標志?,F(xiàn)在的逆向工程,特別是在通用機械零件的重構方面,紛紛轉向自動提取模型特征方面


75、??梢源蟠筇岣呷蔷W(wǎng)格構造的效率和質量?;谌蔷W(wǎng)格提取特征。三角網(wǎng)格由于擁有了拓撲關系,可以得到比點云數(shù)據(jù)更多的特征。三角網(wǎng)格模型中的特征提取可以大大提高逆向工程產(chǎn)品造型過程中曲面區(qū)域劃分的自動程度。因為一般情況下,一個完整的產(chǎn)品表面模型無法用一張曲面充分表達,需要采用多張曲面組合表達,根據(jù)特征來分割,可以使得曲面的劃分更加合理,曲面的質</p><p>  逆向工程是一項開拓性、實用性和綜合性很強的技術,逆向


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