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1、湖南大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文我國網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭力研究姓名:唐維申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):國際貿(mào)易學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:錢曉英20070401IIAbstract Since admitted by the domestic Internet circles from 2000 , The online game have already developed into a direct income from sales and up to 61 mil

2、lion RMB, drive the output value of relevant industries to reach 249 million and became to a large-scale trade. In order to reveal our country online-game estate competitiveness all-round , take industry competitiveness

3、 of domestic and foreign research results as theory basis.The estate competition divides into three aspect being to compete for an environment , to compete for strength and to compete for a potential , sifts out 6 apprai

4、se an index ,lead into host component analysing method, scale, in motion and does business to estate income , estate all together degree, pays game consumer , game estate indices such as fixed investments , market share

5、carries out the analysis measuring , game estate competition carries out valuation on our country network thereby , discuss our country game estate competitive edge and deficiency.At the same time, USA , Japan , Korea Re

6、public's game estate are the parallel marriage partner with the main world network game country , the competition host component carries out the gap that the game measuring the network analysing.The article thinks th

7、at at present, the competitiveness of our online-game estate is in a lower level , needs to strengthen: The government should work out corresponding policy , carry out a norm on network game , guide and manage, supportin

8、g the development of network game estate;Game estate responds to the platform training dynamics,integrating a technology by enlarging a professional's , the cluster makes advantages as a group, estate fuses optimizin


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