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1、南京師范大學碩士學位論文網(wǎng)絡媒介下的文學批評姓名:王明友申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):中國語言文學;文藝學指導教師:郭平2009-04-26IIAbstract Ancient literary criticism there is of it and the “network“ of this new type of media combination,full of new vigor,showing a new atmosphere.

2、In this paper,the network media under the study of literary criticism for an attempt at a large number of cases of possession of the network of literary criticism based on the following main research questions,and this n

3、ew form of literary criticism further summary and reflection. First of all,standing on a high degree of straightening out the history of media change and changes in style of literary criticism, from the traditional media

4、 and literary criticism,literary criticism and modern publishing,electronic media and literary criticism as well as to the current network of media and literary criticism,from these areas study,profoundly aware of media

5、development and changes in style of literary criticism has a great relationship,it gradually replaced the traditional field of criticism to speak,producing a new literary and art criticism norms,led to the emergence of t

6、he pattern of multi-criticism. Secondly,in the past,literary criticism and comparison,focuses on the media in the network under the main body of literary criticism,objects,text,audience several important characteristics.

7、 Outstanding performance for the main criticisms of freedom,a strong sense of subjective, affective critical attitude,as well as clarity critics and the author or the critics and criticism among the interactivity. Critic

8、ism of the main features of the object as non-classic,non-major subject of interest and criticism of perspective. Criticism of the text, great changes have taken place, the main text are large quantities of a specific le

9、ngth and free of loose structure,its existence in the network are the main form of BBS forums and blog comments. Network search function and mass of information for the literary criticism of the audience provides the con

10、venience of reading,but at the same audience on the network media under the acceptance of literary criticism is not high; the network was the influence of literary criticism is not much. Finally,this new form of the birt

11、h of literary criticism has an important significance,but at the same time,there are some paradoxes. However,network media under the literary criticism is inevitable, and we only have to face up to this new form of criti


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