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1、西北師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文馬王堆帛書《周易》考釋姓名:肖從禮申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):歷史文獻(xiàn)學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:張德芳2008-06VIABSTACT ABSTACTThe Zhou Book of Change is an ancient divinatory classic. Scholars inthe ancient time explained the two characters Zhou and Yi (change) withmu

2、ltiple meanings. Generally, for Zhou, they are: 1.universal and allembracing;2. a name of the place at Qiyang, as “the fertile Zhou Plain”in the Book of Poetry;3.King Went named the book Zhou to indicate thedifference fr

3、om the Yin dynasty;4. The Zhou dynasty. And for Yi, they are:1.lizard as the original meaning;2.the sun and the moon, symbols of yin andyang;3.three meanings in one as simplicity, change, andconstancy;4.change.Since the

4、latter half of the 20th century, a largenumber of documents of The Zhou Book of Change and Yi's divination datacopied on the bamboo slips have been unearthed. They are The Zhou Bookof Change which includes the parts

5、of text and appendices copied on thesilk-books excavated from Han-tombs at Ma-wang-dui, Changsha city, TheZhou Book of Change copied on the bamboo slips of Han dynasty excavatedat Fuyang city, Guicang copied on the bambo

6、o slips of Qin dynasty excavatedat Wang jia-tai, The Zhou Book of Change Copied on the Bamboo Slips ofChu Collected in Shanghai Museum, the divination data Hexagram and theYi's divination data copied on the bamboo sl

7、ips excavated atWangshan,Baoshan,Xincai,Tian-xing-guan and Qin-jia-zui,etc.. From thecomprehensive survey of them, we will have more idea of the origin andcharacter of The Zhou Book of Change.The first chapter of this di

8、ssertation outlines the varied texts ofThe Zhou Book of Change and the data of Yi's divination. The work is theprerequisite of more comprehensive and deep study. This dissertationstudies some particular issues of sil

9、k book and discusses thoroughly somecorrelative issues of early period of I-ching learning, such as the issueof “whether Zhouyi being a kind of book of divination originally“, theissue of the varied hexagrams' older

10、and the idea they embodied in theearly period of I-ching learning.The second chapter of this dissertation explants the sixty-fourhexagram of the Silk-books of The Zhou Book of Change. In this chapter,the principle of the


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