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1、Unit Unit 1 Active Active reading reading (1) (1)Catching Catching crabs crabsLanguage Language points points1 … and and we we all all started started to to get get our our heads heads down down … (Para (Para 1) 1)To get

2、 one’s head down means to concentrate and focus on studying. In other British informal contexts,it can mean to sleep. Note also, to keep one’s head down means to continue to do something quietly,especially when there is

3、trouble happening around you.Unit 1 Discovering yourself2 Most Most important important of of course course were were the the final final exams exams in in April April and and May May in in the the followin

4、g following year. year. (Para (Para 1) 1)This is a conversational elliptical sentence. A standard way of saying this is: The most important things,of course, were the final exams in April and May in the following year.3

5、No No one one wanted wanted the the humiliation humiliation of of finishing finishing last last in in class, class, so so the the peer peer group group pressure pressure to to work work hard hardwas was strong. strong. (

6、Para (Para 1) 1)Peer group pressure is the pressure to conform that people, especially children and young people, oftenfeel from the immediate group of those around them who are of the same age or status.4 Libraries Libr

7、aries ... ... were were standing standing room room only only until until the the early early hours hours of of the the morning, morning, and and guys guys wore wore the the bags bagsunder under their their eyes eyes and

8、 and their their pale, pale, sleepy sleepy faces faces with with pride, pride, like like medals medals proving proving their their diligence. diligence. (Para (Para 1) 1)The expression standing room only means there are

9、no more seats available because the place is crowded.This expression is often used in public performances, for sports events and on public transport to meanthat you have to stand because the place is packed with people.B

10、ags under their eyes refer to loose dark areas of skin that you get when you have not had enough sleep.The expression guys wore the bags under their eyes with pride means that the students were proud thattheir tired

11、appearance showed how hard they had been studying, and the bags under their eyes were likemedals.5 It It wasn’t wasn’t always always the the high high flyers flyers with with the the top top grades grades who who knew kn

12、ew what what they they were were not fall down. So to braceoneself means to hold oneself together in readiness for something difficult or unpleasant.12 You You don’t don’t need need to to go go into into a career career

13、which which pays pays well well just just at at the the moment. moment. (Para (Para 16) 16)To go into a career means to start working in a particular job, business or career.13 Several Several times times the the crab

14、 crab tried tried to to defy defy his his fellow fellow captives, captives, without without luck. luck. (Para (Para 25) 25)The crab tried to defy the others as it resisted others or refused to obey them when it

15、tried to escape.The expression without luck means without success, being unable to do what you want.Reading Reading and and understanding understanding3 Choose Choose the the best best summary summary of of what what hap

16、pened happened in in the the crab crab cage. cage.3 The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape, but each time it reached the top the othercrabs pulled it back. In the end it gave up trying and started t

17、o prevent other crabs from escaping.4 Choose Choose the the best best answer answer to to the the questions. questions.1 What happened to the students in the fall of the final year?(a) They became more relaxed.(b) They b

18、ecame more serious.(c) They spent more time outside.(d) They stopped going to lessons.2 Why did some people have bags under their eyes in the morning?(a) They’d been to an all-night party.(b) They’d started worrying abou

19、t their future.(c) They’d spent all night in the library.(d) They wanted to impress their teachers.3 Which students had already planned their future?(a) The ones who had the best grades.(b) The ones who came from wealthy

20、 families.(c) The quieter ones who didn’t have the best grades.(d) The ones who wanted to get married and start a family.4 Why did the writer go home?(a) He wanted to speak to his father.(b) He could study better at home


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