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1、3000 英文單詞, 英文單詞,1.7 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 5100 字文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:More D , Basu P . Challenges of supply chain finance[J]. Business Process Management Journal, 2013, 19(4):624-647(24).Challenges of supply chain financeA detailed s

2、tudy and a hierarchical model based on the experiences of an Indian firmDileep More and Preetam BasuAbstractPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the different challenges that confront supply chain finance (S

3、CF) and to develop a hierarchical model that analyzes the complex relationship dynamics among them.Design/methodology/approach - An extensive survey is carried out amongst Indian firms to ascertain the perceptions and ex

4、periences related to different SCF challenges. After obtaining an overview of the different SCF challenges, an Indian company with global operations was approached and after establishing relationships among the challenge

5、s, a hierarchical relationship structure was developed and MIMBI analysis (where MI = measure of influencing; MBI = measure of being influenced) was carried out that helped understand the relationship dynamics of SCF cha

6、llenges and identify actions at both strategic and tactical levels.Findings - The study reveals that lack of common vision among the supply chain (SC) partners is the most critical challenge confronting SCF. Unpredictabl

7、e cash-flows resulting from delays in financial transactions, due to lack of automation in the payment processes, along with lack of knowledge and training on SCF tools, also play significant roles. As organizations are

8、tightly integrated through their SC, they should initiate collaborative approaches across the SC to reduce the total procure to payment cycle time and, in the process, improve overall financial stability of the SC.Resear

9、ch limitations/implications - This study is based on the findings from the Indian industry; future research may include a large-scale survey and case studies across organizations located in different countries and operat

10、ing under different environments.Practical implications - Based on the study, firms can evaluate the dynamics of SCF challenges and redefine SC relationships and strategies to achieve desired cash flow in the SC.Original

11、ity/value - The academic literature on financial supply chains is very limited. This paper appears to be the first formal attempt at analyzing the various challenges confronting SCF.SCF platform providers who team up wit

12、h large financial institutions to meet the capital requirements of the entire SC. SCF creates a financial win-win for the buyer, the seller and the financial intermediary (Deloitte, 2009; Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2009; H

13、urtrez and Salvadori, 2010). While buyers enjoy extended payment terms and an increasingly reliable supply base, suppliers gain access to lower cost of financing and much more stable and predictable cash flows; financial

14、 intermediaries stand to dramatically increase their involvement in global SCs by extending their reach to cover their customers’ end-to-end SC (Fairchild, 2005; Knox, 2005; Glassanos, 2007). Great opportunities lie ahea

15、d in managing the financial flows efficiently. However, at present, the financial SC is in a critical phase of evolution facing various complex and significant challenges. It is important to analyze and understand how th

16、e different SCF challenges interact and gain an insight into their complex dynamics. In this paper, a survey has been conducted amongst Indian organizations to learn about their perceptions and experiences related to the

17、 different challenges that confront their financial SCs. After identifying the SCF challenges in Indian environment, a well-known Indian firm has been approached to ascertain the attitude and awareness about the challeng

18、es confronting its SC. And, to understand and analyze the interactions and dynamics among the challenges in the company’s SC, an interpretive structural modeling (ISM) has been developed. Based on the analysis, the study

19、 discusses appropriate action plans, policies and strategies for deploying SCF with the purpose of reducing vulnerability and risks associated with the financial SCs. The next section addresses various challenges that co

20、nfront the SCF. Section 3 presents a survey to get a first-hand view of the perception and belief about the importance of SCF challenges in the context of Indian organizations. Section 4 profiles an Indian organization t

21、hat has been facing SCF challenges. Section 5 states the methodology and model development whereas managerial implications based on the survey and model developed are presented in Section 6. The paper is concluded in Sec

22、tion 7 by highlighting the salient points of the study, limitations and future scope of research in this evolving field.2. Challenges for improving SCFIn the supply chain, financing is made possible at different points o


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