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1、Business Process Management JournalChallenges of supply chain finance: A detailed study and a hierarchical model based on the experiences of an Indian firm Dileep More Preetam BasuArticle information:To cite this documen

2、t: Dileep More Preetam Basu, (2013),“Challenges of supply chain finance“, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 19 Iss 4 pp. 624 - 647 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-09-2012-0093Downl

3、oaded on: 21 April 2016, At: 22:38 (PT) References: this document contains references to 85 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 1937 ti

4、mes since 2013*Users who downloaded this article also downloaded:(2009),“Supply chain financing: using cash-to-cash variables to strengthen the supply chain“, International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Man

5、agement, Vol. 39 Iss 8 pp. 669-689 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1108/09600030910996314(2014),“Integrating financial and physical supply chains: the role of banks in enabling supply chain integration“, International Journal of O

6、perations Production Management, Vol. 34 Iss 3 pp. 298-324 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-04-2012-0131(2013),“Motorola's global financial supply chain strategy“, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, V

7、ol. 18 Iss 2 pp. 132-147 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13598541311318782Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by emerald-srm:393177 []For AuthorsIf you would like to write for this, or

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11、 partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation.Downloaded by RMIT University At 22:38 21 April 2016 (PT)Challenges of supply

12、chain financeA detailed study and a hierarchical model based on the experiences of an Indian firmDileep More and Preetam Basu Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, IndiaAbstractPu

13、rpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the different challenges that confront supply chain finance (SCF) and to develop a hierarchical model that analyzes the complex relationship dynamics among them.Design/meth

14、odology/approach – An extensive survey is carried out amongst Indian firms to ascertain the perceptions and experiences related to different SCF challenges. After obtaining an overview of the different SCF challenges, an

15、 Indian company with global operations was approached and after establishing relationships among the challenges, a hierarchical relationship structure was developed and MIMBI analysis (where MI ¼ measure of influenc

16、ing; MBI ¼ measure of being influenced) was carried out that helped understand the relationship dynamics of SCF challenges and identify actions at both strategic and tactical levels.Findings – The study reveals that

17、 lack of common vision among the supply chain (SC) partners is the most critical challenge confronting SCF. Unpredictable cash-flows resulting from delays in financial transactions, due to lack of automation in the payme

18、nt processes, along with lack of knowledge and training on SCF tools, also play significant roles. As organizations are tightly integrated through their SC, they should initiate collaborative approaches across the SC to

19、reduce the total procure to payment cycle time and, in the process, improve overall financial stability of the SC.Research limitations/implications – This study is based on the findings from the Indian industry; future r

20、esearch may include a large-scale survey and case studies across organizations located in different countries and operating under different environments.Practical implications – Based on the study, firms can evaluate the

21、 dynamics of SCF challenges and redefine SC relationships and strategies to achieve desired cash flow in the SC.Originality/value – The academic literature on financial supply chains is very limited. This paper appears t

22、o be the first formal attempt at analyzing the various challenges confronting SCF.Keywords Supply chain management, Finance, Cash flow, India, Channel relationships, Supply chain finance, Challenges, Interpretive structu

23、ral modellingPaper type Research paper1. Introduction Competitive pressure and globalized networks have resulted in complex and dynamic supply chains (SCs) (Zhang et al., 2003; Christopher et al., 2006, Manuj and Mentzer

24、,2008; Creazza et al., 2010). However, the focus of supply chain management (SCM) to date has been on the design and optimization of the flows of goods and information (Lee et al., 2000; Childerhouse and Towill, 2003; Di

25、sney and Towill, 2003; Bhatnagar and Teo, 2009). One aspect that has been often neglected and overlooked is the financial flows along the SC which form an essential part of the continuum of the business operationThe curr

26、ent issue and full text archive of this journal is available atwww.emeraldinsight.com/1463-7154.htmReceived 14 September 2012 Revised 9 December 2012 Accepted 23 December 2012Business Process Management Journal Vol. 19 N


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