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1、The systemic-functional approach to nominalization in the framework of grammaticalmetaphor was first introduced by M.A.K. Halliday in his monograph "An Introductionto Functional Grammar" in 1985. The notion of grammatic

2、al metaphor (GM),developed mainly by Halliday(1994) represents an original and innovativecontribution to linguistic theory. This thesis focuses on the use of grammatical metaphor in the form of nominalizedpro

3、cesses in the English broadcast news reporting. As a functional variety, broadcastnews reporting is lexically and syntactically unique. So far most descriptions ofgrammatical metaphor in this functional variety are quali

4、tative, lacking in empiricaldata support. In this thesis, randomly selected news items from VOA were used asdata for both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Under the theoretical framework ofsystemic-functional gramm

5、ar, the concept of grammatical metaphor is discussed with the process transference in transitivity system as a starting point. Thereafterdefinitions of nominalizatian and difficulties in identifying examples of nominal

6、izedprocesses are presented. Statistic evidence shows that nominalized processes aboundin news items. And some productive nominal suffixes -ion,-ment, -ity, -ness and aspecial nominal ending -ing are investigated. After

7、the presentation of theirdistribution frequency, functional explanation of nominalization is elucidated.Nominalization is the main source of grammatical metaphor in news reporting as it isin scientific discourse. No

8、minalization, a stylistic feature of news reporting, has therhetorical effects of condensation, thematic connection, backgrounding andparallelism. Moreover, superficial objectification, authors' desired effect of

9、ambiguityand ideology, as well as pragmatic presupposition are secretly achieved by thepurposefully used nominalized processes. It is believed that a better understanding of nominalized processes in news reportingcan


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