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1、對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學碩士學位論文從功能理論看廣告翻譯姓名:丁之茵申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):英語指導教師:常玉田20050401ii Abstract With the rapid development of international business and multinational companies, there is a growing need for efficient international adve

2、rtising communication and translation. However, advertising translation is still an underexplored field which has not yet been adequately studied in the discipline of translation. As a branch of translation study, advert

3、ising translation has its own laws and demands a systematic study. Traditional equivalence- based linguistic approaches to advertisement translation fail to achieve satisfactory effect mainly for two reasons.

4、First, through analysis of the intrinsic mechanism of the Chinese and English languages and cultures, considerable discrepancies in language use are found especially in the field of advertising. Thus there har

5、dly exists an absolute correspondence between the two languages. Second, equivalence- based approaches always seek to achieve formal equivalence between the source and target texts and neglect the co

6、mmunicative functions of advertisement translation. Functionalist approaches put forward in 1970s by some German scholars including Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer, Justa Holz Manttari, and Christiane Nord, shed l

7、ight on advertisement translation. This theory emphasizes the functionality of the target text in the target culture. In order to fulfill the communicative functions of advertisements, forms of the origi

8、nal texts could be changed to adapt to the target settings. Functionalist theory justifies this translation practice, declaring that translation is the production of a functional target text maintaining a

9、relationship with a given source text that is specified according to the intended or demanded function of the target text. In this model, the source text serves as only “an offer of informati

10、on“ from which a translator selects the items he or she finds interesting and important to reach the intended goal. Under functionalist theory, translators are encouraged to make full use of various sour


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