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1、<p>  中文2840字,1680單詞</p><p><b>  1 外文翻譯 </b></p><p><b>  文獻(xiàn) </b></p><p>  Supply chain management for agricultural products </p><p&

2、gt;  Resource: MBA (IT), IIIT Allahabad Pulastya Roy </p><p>  Agriculture is a significant sector of most of the economy of world. Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it provides a

3、ny a country self reliance in terms of food for their people, providing huge direct and indirect employment and more over huge revenue by export of surplus food grain. Agriculture is backbone of the economy and infrastru

4、cture for many countries like India, Brazil and others. Due to technical advancement, improved irrigation system and several other reasons produ</p><p>  Supply chain is basically-“a set of processes functio

5、ning synergistically to satisfy a customer’s demand”. Any supply chain trades off between two main attributes of supply chain, “Efficiency and Responsiveness”. Any supply chain is adopted or designed keeping only this tw

6、o attributes in mind because it defines about which kind of customer the supply chain wants to cater and what is the scale of “return on investment” is being planned for. Agricultural industry uses both kind of supply ch

7、ain as </p><p>  Designing supply chain for agricultural products: </p><p>  Most of the produce in agriculture can not be sold directly; as per their mode of consumption they can be categorized

8、 as follows.There are some products which are not highly perishable like cereals but needed to be processed like- rice is polished, and wheat has to be husked.Some products are highly perishable so they must be sent to m

9、arket very fast or otherwise needed to be processed and packaged well. </p><p>  For designing a supply chain for any Agriculture product, it’s important to know which kind of agriculture products is that, a

10、nd accordingly a responsive or efficient supply chain is designed. </p><p>  Supply chain for non perishable items: </p><p>  Most all the cereals like Wheat, Rice, Maize etc. and some vegetable

11、s like Potato and Onion are highly inelastic in demand, moreover they are not highly perishables so the supply chain for such products should focus more on efficiency and cost effectiveness than responsiveness. These pro

12、ducts have vital supply and demand links with the market. Cereals needs some kind of processing and polishing after they are harvested from field and from here onwards supply chain comes into play. The food grain</p&g

13、t;<p>  These type of agricultural products are highly in elastic in demand and the demand more or less remains constant so their demand can easily be forecasted and hence while designing supply chain for such pro

14、ducts efficiency should be more preferred. </p><p>  Supply chain for perishable items: </p><p>  Fruits, green vegetables and flower come under perishable items and they need all together a mor

15、e responsive, fast and accountable supply chain as a means of propagation from farms to the market. </p><p>  These products are elastic and erratic in demand hence their demand forecasting is also difficult

16、. They need more costly type cold storage and refrigeration, special transportation mechanism and on time delivery, all these requirements make this supply chain very costly, but at the same time the price of these produ

17、cts are consummately adjusted to ensure higher margin and profit. While designing supply chain for such items main focus should be given on the responsiveness. </p><p>  Supply chain management for fruits: &

18、lt;/p><p>  To handle supply chain for these items is a very demanding task. Such products need facilities like refrigerated vans, more efficient cold storage faster transportation. This is the sector where Ind

19、ia needs more improvement. India is the second largest producer for both fruits and vegetables, next only to China. Major vegetables include potato, eggplants, tomatoes, cassava, cabbage, dry onions, cauliflower, pumpkin

20、, okra and green peas, while fruits include mangoes, oranges, apples, grapes, pine</p><p>  Major problems for fresh fruit and vegetable exports from India include low productivity (cost competitiveness) as

21、compared to global standards, prevalence of a low level of pre-harvest and post-harvest technologies, international quality standards and existence of distortion in market channels and poor supply chain system. Developin

22、g region specific export facilitation centers and emphasizing the role of Agri-Export Zones (AEZs) further in tandem with the market requirements, especially to prov</p><p>  A case introduction about the ma

23、in application technology in Japan Fresh Logistics: </p><p>  In order to maintain the freshness of agricultural products, need to form different products and flow characteristics of the harvest, transport,

24、storage, logistics links the integrated use of various types of technology. </p><p>  (A) the cold chain system is the core of logistics technology, preservation of agricultural products, mainly involving pr

25、e-cooling, freezing refrigerated transportation and warehousing sectors insulation. </p><p>  1. Precooling means immediately after the harvest of agricultural products for rapid cooling of their processing,

26、 treatment can be controlled by pre-cooling products, respiration and evaporation to prevent the organic acids, Victoria C, etc. to reduce nutrients, inhibit bacterial growth in order to achieve the maintenance of produc

27、t color, anti-corrosion and to prevent overripe fruit and other fresh-keeping effect. The pre-cooling is more popular in Japan that the main mode are as follows: </p><p>  (1) forced ventilation pre-cooling:

28、 to pre-cooling bank chilling by cold air for 4 cooling. Construction costs low, can be applied to wider variety of agricultural industries, but the cooling process more time-consuming, non-uniform cooling. </p>&

29、lt;p>  (2) differential pressure ventilation pre-cooling: In the manufacture of pressure difference on both sides of the container, to instill air-conditioning inside the container. Construction costs in the forced ve

30、ntilation between the pre-cooling and vacuum pre-cooling. Forced ventilation cooling rate faster than the pre-cooling, and the cooling effect of uniform, but some agricultural products so that method has been applied wil

31、l be sent fade. When loading takes some time. </p><p>  (3) Vacuum precooling: The agricultural products into the decompression chamber, promoting the internal water evaporation, thus cooling. The cooling sp

32、eed, the effect is even, but not frozen bulky, surface area of small fruit. Higher construction costs, more was necessary to build cold storage. </p><p>  (4) cold-water pre-cooling: to pour cold water on ag

33、ricultural products, or to soak them in refrigeration. Cool faster, but not suitable for soaking the product can not be more need for a separate cold storage building. </p><p>  2. Frozen refrigerated transp

34、ort is an important component of cold chain system, mainly involving insulation trucks, containers and incubator technology. Japan is now the majority of perishable agricultural products have been the vast majority of th

35、e use of heat insulation container transport trucks and some high-end agricultural products by air to shorten the circulation time. Such as the early morning harvest fish, high-grade fruits, the day will be able to appea

36、r in Tokyo department stores on</p><p>  (B) preservation, and packaging </p><p>  According to different product characteristics and circulation patterns, use of appropriate preservation, and p

37、ackaging technologies. Of potatoes, onions and other non-perishable vegetables, etc. can take a simple packaging, through the air circulation inside the container can control the mildew and rot. And to maximize the size

38、of the transport and improve transport efficiency, bringing the cost advantages of scale. Order online or mail order and other small-scale circulation of agricultural pr</p><p>  Used for multiple recycling

39、of the transport containers can effectively improve the transportation efficiency, reduce transportation costs. Japan, the transport of agricultural products widely used standard-size folding transport case, a transporta

40、tion overlay when placed after the discharge of folding up the transport do not take up space, and can be recycled many times. </p><p>  (C) fresh storage Frozen fresh storage warehouse is the foundation, in

41、 addition to a number of recent Refrigeration technology began with the promotion, the more popular two methods are as follows: </p><p>  Controlled atmosphere storage (controlled atmosphere, referred to as

42、CA storage): the use of nitrogen or carbon dioxide to inhibit respiration in order to achieve fresh results. </p><p>  Dried Preserved: The natural drying or artificial drying, raw materials for food or food

43、 dehydration, so water does not result in reduced to the extent of food spoilage, so as to achieve the purpose of preservation. </p><p>  Conclusion: </p><p>  Agriculture is the main stay of th

44、e Indian and several other economies of world, it constitutes the backbone of rural livelihood security system and accounts for a handsome percent of GDP of the whole world and if given due support to this industry in te

45、rms of better supply chain management system it can certainly provide India or in that manner any agricultural based economy a substantial growth. </p><p><b>  譯文 </b></p><p><b&g

46、t;  農(nóng)產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)鏈管理</b></p><p>  來源:工商管理碩士(信息技術(shù)),印度國(guó)際信息學(xué)院,阿拉哈巴德. 羅伊 </p><p>  農(nóng)業(yè)是世界經(jīng)濟(jì)中一個(gè)最重要的部門。農(nóng)業(yè)收入的重要性來自一個(gè)事實(shí), 即它提供了任何一個(gè)國(guó)家在糧食方面使本國(guó)人民有了 自力更生的能力,提供了由糧食出口盈余巨大的收益和更多的直接和間接的就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)。農(nóng)業(yè)即是一個(gè)國(guó)家經(jīng)濟(jì)的頂梁柱也是一個(gè)國(guó)家經(jīng)濟(jì)

47、的基礎(chǔ),如印度,巴西和其他許多國(guó)家。由于技術(shù)進(jìn)步,灌溉系統(tǒng)的改善和其他一些原因,農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)增加了 數(shù)倍。為了滿足這種生產(chǎn) 6 和業(yè)務(wù)的增加,農(nóng)業(yè)部門依靠供應(yīng)鏈的支持是必不可少的。</p><p>  供應(yīng)鏈基本上是“一個(gè)協(xié)同運(yùn)作,并以滿足客戶的需求的過程”。任何供應(yīng)鏈之間的兩個(gè)行業(yè)的供應(yīng)鏈,都體現(xiàn)了“高效率和反應(yīng)性”的主要屬性。任何供應(yīng)鏈只需采用或設(shè)計(jì)并且牢記這兩個(gè)屬性,因?yàn)樗x了哪些類型的客戶的供應(yīng)鏈需要滿足需

48、求,哪種規(guī)模的“投資回報(bào)”正在被計(jì)劃。農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)按需要使用哪種。 </p><p>  為農(nóng)產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì)供應(yīng)鏈 </p><p>  大多數(shù)的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品不能被直接出售,按照他們消費(fèi)模式的不同,他們可被分為以下幾類: 有一些產(chǎn)品不屬于容易腐壞的谷類,但需要被處理,拋光大米,小麥,必須被去殼。有一些產(chǎn)品容易變壞,因此它們必須被送到市場(chǎng)非??欤蛘咭云渌绞教幚砗桶b好。</p><p

49、>  為了設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)能夠適應(yīng)任何農(nóng)產(chǎn)品使用的供應(yīng)鏈,重要的是要知道農(nóng)產(chǎn)品相對(duì)應(yīng)的那兩種屬性高效和靈敏有否被設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)供應(yīng)鏈中。</p><p>  非易腐農(nóng)產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)鏈項(xiàng): </p><p>  幾乎所有的洋蔥,谷物如小麥,水稻,玉米等,和一些蔬菜如馬鈴薯,蔥等是被高度的,無差別的需求,而且它們不易變壞,所以對(duì)這類農(nóng)產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)鏈相比響應(yīng)性更應(yīng)注重效率和成本效益。這些農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的供應(yīng)與市場(chǎng)需求聯(lián)系起

50、來就顯得尤為重要。谷物在它們從地里收獲后需要一些加工和拋光的過程,供應(yīng)鏈就從這里開始發(fā)揮作用。這些糧食谷物,接著被裝入麻袋,然后存放在冷庫儲(chǔ)存,直到它們從市場(chǎng)獲得訂單。這類型農(nóng)產(chǎn)品需求或多或少的保持不變,所以它們可以很容易地被預(yù)測(cè),因此在設(shè)計(jì)此類農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的供應(yīng)鏈時(shí)效率應(yīng)更優(yōu)先考慮。 </p><p>  易腐農(nóng)產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)鏈項(xiàng): </p><p>  水果,綠色蔬菜和鮮花都屬于易腐農(nóng)產(chǎn)品。它們?cè)?/p>

51、流通的過程中都需要更加的靈活,快速的供應(yīng)鏈作為一種從農(nóng)場(chǎng)到市場(chǎng)的傳播手段。 </p><p>  這些農(nóng)產(chǎn)品是有彈性需求不穩(wěn)定的特點(diǎn),因此它們的需求預(yù)測(cè)也很困難。 它們需要更昂貴的冷藏室和冷凍庫,特種運(yùn)輸工具和交貨準(zhǔn)時(shí)機(jī)制,所有這些要求使這個(gè)供應(yīng)鏈的成本很高,但在同一時(shí)間內(nèi),使這些農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的價(jià)格很高,以確保較高利潤(rùn)率和利潤(rùn)。這在設(shè)計(jì)供應(yīng)鏈等項(xiàng)目時(shí)應(yīng)給予重點(diǎn)考慮反應(yīng)性。 </p><p>&l

52、t;b>  水果供應(yīng)鏈管理: </b></p><p>  處理這些項(xiàng)目的供應(yīng)鏈?zhǔn)且粋€(gè)非常艱巨的任務(wù)。像這樣的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品需要冷藏車設(shè)施,更快更有效的冷藏運(yùn)輸。這就是印度農(nóng)產(chǎn)品行業(yè)需要改進(jìn)的地方。印度是世界第二大水果和蔬菜生產(chǎn)國(guó),僅次于中國(guó)。主要蔬菜包括土豆,茄子,西紅柿, 木薯,白菜,干洋蔥,花椰菜,南瓜,秋葵,綠豌豆,而水果包括芒果,柑桔, 蘋果,葡萄,菠蘿和木瓜。因此,我們需要更好的支持系統(tǒng)來處

53、理這些龐大的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品。例如冷藏車,冷藏車的需求帶動(dòng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展。每年,印度超過百分之三十的水果和蔬菜浪費(fèi)掉是因?yàn)闆]有適當(dāng)?shù)睦滏溁A(chǔ)設(shè)施。 截至今天,大部分的肉, 蔬菜和水果在它們從農(nóng)地運(yùn)送到城市的零食連鎖店時(shí)變質(zhì)、損壞。新鮮水果,蔬菜和奶制品行業(yè)在印度的出口潛力尚還沒有得到充分的挖掘并且還未考慮到行業(yè)的規(guī)模和多樣性。落后的供應(yīng)鏈?zhǔn)瞧浔澈蟮闹饕?。然而,印度在水果和蔬菜進(jìn)出口方面和澳大利,亞香港,印度尼西亞,伊朗,日本,約旦,韓國(guó),黎巴嫩,

54、蒙古,新西蘭,巴基斯坦,菲律賓,新加坡,敘利亞和泰國(guó)等國(guó)家比起來只占了微不足道的份額??紤]到亞洲國(guó)家的進(jìn)口水平,研究指出,印度在許多亞洲市場(chǎng)有著巨大的潛力。這項(xiàng)研究確定了增加出口潛力的水果包括蘋果,桔子,香蕉,西瓜,柑橘,</p><p>  印度出口新鮮水果和蔬菜的主要問題包括: 與全球標(biāo)準(zhǔn)相比的低生產(chǎn)力(成本競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力),收獲前和收獲后的技術(shù)水平應(yīng)用率低,于國(guó)際市場(chǎng)質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)不兼容,市場(chǎng)渠道不暢通,供應(yīng)鏈系統(tǒng)落后。

55、 </p><p>  下面是一個(gè)關(guān)于在日本保鮮物流的主要應(yīng)用技術(shù)案例介紹:</p><p>  (A) 為了保持農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的新鮮度,需要在運(yùn)輸、倉儲(chǔ)等物流環(huán)節(jié)綜合運(yùn)用物流技術(shù)來保持流動(dòng)特性。 </p><p>  冷鏈系統(tǒng)是物流技術(shù),農(nóng)產(chǎn)品保鮮的核心,主要涉及預(yù)冷,冷凍冷藏保溫運(yùn)輸和倉儲(chǔ)業(yè)。 </p><p>  1.預(yù)冷指立即將農(nóng)產(chǎn)品及其加工

56、產(chǎn)品的快速冷卻的過程。這種處理方法可以通過預(yù)冷產(chǎn)品,呼吸作用和蒸發(fā),防止有機(jī)酸,維 C 等營(yíng)養(yǎng)物質(zhì)減少,以抑制細(xì)菌增長(zhǎng)實(shí)現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品顏色維護(hù),防腐蝕,防止過熟水果等的保鮮效果。預(yù)冷在日本很受歡迎,其主要方式如下: </p><p>  (1) 強(qiáng)制通風(fēng)預(yù)冷: 預(yù)冷卻儲(chǔ)庫通過吹冷風(fēng)冷卻。實(shí)施成本低,可應(yīng)用于多種農(nóng)業(yè)品種,但在冷卻過程中,非均勻冷卻。 </p><p>  (2) 差壓通風(fēng)預(yù)冷: 在

57、壓力容器的兩側(cè)制造壓力差, 將制冷的空氣注入到容器內(nèi)。工程主要費(fèi)用在于預(yù)冷與真空預(yù)冷之間的機(jī)械通風(fēng)設(shè)備。機(jī)械通風(fēng)降溫比之前預(yù)冷冷卻的速度快,冷卻均勻效果好,但這樣的方法使有些農(nóng)產(chǎn)品褪色。裝貨也需要一些時(shí)間。 </p><p>  (3) 真空預(yù)冷: 進(jìn)入減壓艙的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品, 促進(jìn)了內(nèi)部水分的蒸發(fā), 從而冷卻。冷卻速度快,效果均勻,但凍結(jié)體積不大。但是建造成本高,更多的是要建立冷庫。 </p><p

58、>  (4) 冷水預(yù)冷: 將冷水倒在農(nóng)產(chǎn)品上,或?qū)⑵浣菰谥评涔裰小@鋮s得會(huì)更快,但不適合浸泡一個(gè)單獨(dú)的冷庫樓里的產(chǎn)品。 </p><p>  2.冷凍冷藏運(yùn)輸是冷鏈系統(tǒng)的重要組成部分,主要涉及保溫車,集裝箱和孵化器的技術(shù)。日本現(xiàn)在大多數(shù)易腐農(nóng)產(chǎn)品已經(jīng)使用隔熱集裝箱運(yùn)輸卡車運(yùn)輸和一些農(nóng)產(chǎn)品空氣控制器,盡量縮短流通時(shí)間。像清晨捕得魚,高檔水果,一天內(nèi)將能夠出現(xiàn)在東京百貨公司的柜臺(tái)上。 </p>

59、<p><b>  (B) 保鮮包裝 </b></p><p>  根據(jù)不同的產(chǎn)品特性和流通模式,采用適當(dāng)?shù)谋ur和包裝技術(shù)。土豆,洋蔥等不易腐爛的蔬菜等,可以采取簡(jiǎn)單的包裝,通過容器內(nèi)可以控制霉菌和腐爛的空氣流通。并盡量擴(kuò)大運(yùn)輸規(guī)模,提高運(yùn)輸效率, 擴(kuò)大規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)的成本優(yōu)勢(shì)。 網(wǎng)上訂購(gòu)或郵購(gòu)和其他小規(guī)模的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品流通,都可使用泡沫包裝加冷藏制冷劑。 對(duì)高價(jià)值農(nóng)產(chǎn)品可以采取特殊的包裝。如

60、日本在櫻桃,桃,草莓和其他水果上廣泛使用易受傷的緩沖包裝材料,以及特殊保護(hù)槽的使用來吸收具有乙烯成分的水果和控制成熟的水果。此外,冷藏運(yùn)輸,有時(shí)需要使用泡沫塑料包裝。</p><p>  使用多種運(yùn)輸集裝箱循環(huán)利用,可有效地提高運(yùn)輸效率,降低運(yùn)輸成本。日本,農(nóng)產(chǎn)品運(yùn)輸廣泛使用的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)尺寸的折疊運(yùn)輸集裝箱,當(dāng)運(yùn)輸多層時(shí),放置卸下的折疊運(yùn)輸集裝箱不會(huì)占用空間,可循環(huán)使用多次。</p><p>&

61、lt;b>  (C) 新鮮存儲(chǔ) </b></p><p>  速凍保鮮儲(chǔ)存?zhèn)}庫是基礎(chǔ),此外還有一些最新的冷藏制冷技術(shù)開始被推廣,比較流行的兩種方法如下: </p><p>  氣調(diào)貯藏(大氣可控,簡(jiǎn)稱 CA貯藏 ): 使用氮或二氧化碳來抑制呼吸作用,以達(dá)到新鮮的目的。</p><p>  干燥保存: 自然干燥或人工干燥,脫水食品或食品原料,水份的減


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