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1、 Research on Analysis and Countermeasures of Public Opinion on the Mobile Internet ——Based on Sina Weibo APP A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Master’s Degree of

2、 Management By Lin Liang Supervised by Prof. Li Xuejing Specialty: Library, Information and Archival Management College of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China May 2017 重慶大學(xué)碩士學(xué)

3、位論文 英文摘要 ABSTRACT With the development of mobile internet and the increasing mobile client software, mobile internet has been an essential part in people’s daily life su

4、ch as social activities, acquiring news and information, entertainment and shopping. Network technology has changed agenda-setting. Especially with the application of self-media, netizens gain the platform of expressing

5、their opinions. Network Public Opinion (NPO) has been the main channel for the public joining in social administration and expressing opinions, while false and irrational information in the NPO may easily result in an ev

6、ent of NPO. The features of the mobile NPO, such as happening at anytime and anywhere, immediacy, strong interactivity and randomness, promote the occurrence of events of NPO more frequent than ever before and there is a

7、 greater tendency for the occurrence of group polarization. If the NPO events are coincident with the events happening in the real world, they will often present serious challenges to the social order in the form of soci

8、al crises. Through the research methods of literature analysis, case analysis and modeling analysis, and based on the research of the popular NPO events on Sina Weibo in recent years, this thesis probes into the mobile

9、NPO and accordingly provides strategies for the governance of mobile NPO. Firstly, it analyses on mobile NPO about the essence, the dissemination mode, the dissemination channels and the dissemination features about mobi

10、le NPO. Secondly, it analyses the life cycle of mobile NPO. The life cycle can be divided into four phases: pregnancy, dissemination, consolidation and decline, which are examined in different aspects, such as causes, in

11、fluential essence, carriers and features. Thirdly, it evaluates the dissemination laws of mobile NPO based on SEIR mode. It analyses the motion laws of dissemination of mobile NPO about susceptible nodes, latent nodes, p

12、ropagation nodes and immune nodes. And it points out the influence of the variations of switch parameters for the node activity. At last, it presents advice for the governance of mobile NPO. Keywords: NPO, Mobile envir


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