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1、 《********學院網站 學院網站》英譯的實踐報告A Report on the C-E Translation of the Website of College of ******necessary information, such as the history, the staff and faculties, the disciplines and majors, colle

2、ge facilities and international cooperation and exchange. Besides, the English Website also has the functions of appealing and aspiring more students to enroll by publicity and promoting its own image. To conclude, the E

3、nglish website is built to provide necessary information for the target readers, the source texts should be translated and edited to mainly fulfill the informative function. 3.2 Language StyleLexically, the source text i

4、s very Concise and rich in information with a lot of highly condensed, peculiar vocabulary, such as “多學科、教學型、應用性、有特色” , ,and many terminologies relate to disciplines, organizations. Syntactically, scattered short sentenc

5、es, parallelism sentences and non subject sentences are common and typical sentence pattern and unique language phenomenon in the source texts. Undoubtedly, these features of the source texts make it more difficult to ge

6、t an accurate translation.4. Translation Preparation Since both the college and the translation team attached great importance to the program, the Program Proposal made clear the responsibilities and duties of both parti

7、es, which include the job requirements, expectations to the project team and the continuing supporting from the college. Similar to any translation project, the translating of website also contains three main parts—Pre-t

8、ranslating, While-translating and Post-translating. In order to have a smooth procedure, it is indispensable for the team to do plenty of preparations in Pre-translation part. The preparations mainly focus on making a pl

9、an about the whole project, which includes the staffing, the translation procedure as well as analysis of the website manuscripts and the strategies applied in this project. 4.1Translation PlanningA general plan of the

10、project staffing, procedure will be made in this part. As illustrated in Figure 1, the project team was composed of four members. The author works as translator and takes the whole charge of the project. The consultant i

11、s responsible for any problem relates to the Chinese manuscript. Any deletion or addition to the English translation should be fully discussed with and permitted by the consultant. The Proofreader is a professional trans


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